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Minutes, Lake Elmo City Council., May 23, 1979 <br />—3— <br />FIRE TRUCK INSICNIAs Morgan moved., seconded by Armstrong, to authorize up to <br />U50,00 to repaint the lettering and, insignia on the City Fire Trucks. <br />Motion carried 5•-0. <br />DIESLE PUMP, MAINTENANCE DEPARTMENT was referred to the Maintenance Committee. <br />SIGN POSTSs Pott moved, seconded by Mottaz, that the City buy 50 sign posts <br />out of the Emergency Street Repair reserve. Motion carried 5-0. <br />SPARE HYDRANTS Armstrong movedw seoonaed by Mottaz, that the City purchase a <br />*€ire-tn�#�tve�see�Prae3�-repairs, out of the <br />Water enterprise fund. Motion carried 5-0.* a fire hydrant and install <br />a gate valve to have in reserve for emergency repairs. Approved 6/19/79• <br />SURFACE WATER ENGINEERING: The Administrator expressed his firm belief that <br />the {Sty should employ the City Engineer to determine the size, loca- <br />tion, and extent of the dam on Eagle 'Point Lake because he believes <br />the County, DNR, Army Corp of Engineers, and the Valley Branch Water- <br />shed District will not permit -the City to construct a dam without <br />some detailed engineering data about lake levels, run-off, and <br />the effect on the lake. The Council disagreed.; and instructed the <br />Administrator to get copies of the forms the City would have to <br />complete and, all available data from City files and VBWD files; and <br />present this to the Council.. <br />201 FACILITIES PLANNINGs The Council again expressed its concern that current <br />Metropolitan plans ignored evidence that there are not on -site dis- <br />--posal problems -in the Tri Lakes area; -in response-, to an inquiry from <br />Lyle Doerr at Washington County. The Council said it did not want <br />to add any other areas in the City for consideration under 201 planning. <br />PROJECT 10051 The Council agreed to send a letter Councillor Johnson had drafted <br />encouraging the City's neighboring communities to support Project 1005, <br />The Council discussed alternatives to Project 1005 should it fail to <br />be approved. They instructed the City Attorney to study the City's <br />recourse if VBWD failed to approve the project. <br />The Council instructed the Administrator to write a letter to Valley <br />Branch advising the Board of Managers that the City Council will. be <br />in session June 5, 1979, if the Managers want to meet on Project 1005; <br />that the City will stop pumping June 5, 1979, as we started pumping <br />to handle the emergency until the Managers were empowered to act by <br />-their hearing a June 4, 1979; and that we were pumping only to prevent <br />a odsis during the interim between the emergency and the hearing. <br />The meeting adjourned at 8s28 p.m. <br />