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06-12-79 Special CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
06-12-79 Special CCM
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MINUTES OF THE LAKE FLMO SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING, JUNE 129 1979 <br />Mayor Armstrong convened the meeting at 6:00 p.m. <br />Councillors in attendance: Mot'ta.z, Johnson, Pott, Absent Morgan. Also in attendance <br />Administrator Whittaker. <br />PUMPING LAIC, JANE - PROJECT 1005: Residents around Sunfish expresses concern about the <br />lake level. The Council has requested DNR determine the official high water <br />mark for Sunfish. The lake will continue to be monitored; but no further <br />action can be taken until the DNR figures are received. <br />BOARD OP REVIEW: Mayor Armstrong submitted a, letter from Kenneth Sovereign protesting <br />valuation and waiving a hearing at the City level.. This will be included <br />in the record. <br />Philip Tschumperlin - Armstrong moved, Mottaz seconded that no action will <br />be taken on the request to lower the assessed valuation. Motion carried 4-0. <br />Thomas Wisdom — As requested, the assessors remeasured the house. The <br />discrepancy in the square footage was corrected, but the value will remain <br />the same. Armstrong moved, Johnson seconded to leave the assessed value at <br />the figure indicated. Motion carried 3-0. Pott abstained. He would like <br />the City to recheck and find out what the figures are. <br />Armstrong moved, Mottaz seconded to close the Board of Review lleaxing at <br />7:35 p.m, on June 12s�9�("9> Motion carried 4-0. <br />LAKE ELMO HARDWOOD PARIUNG: Pott has reveived a complaint from Elmer Dittman about the <br />on -street parking for Lake Elmo Rardwood. The company does have a parking <br />lot for employees, but it is presently used to store lumber. The intention <br />of the parking lot was to solve -the on -street parking problem. Pete K uegel <br />will check and. see if they are in violation and also determine if 1they have <br />the correct number of required off-street parking spaces. <br />JAYCEES: The Mrs, Jaycees requet a parade permit for a Kiddie Parade on the LFth of <br />July. The City will need a route and time schedule; the Council saw no <br />problem with the request. <br />Bob Schneider requested a permit for the Jaycees to conduct a BINGO game. <br />Presently, Lake Elmo does not have an ordinance covering Bingo in the City, <br />per State Statute 349. The City can, by resolution, grant -this request. <br />It will be covered under the section defined Civic Celebration. Ray Marshall <br />will draft an ordinance covering BINGO within the City. <br />F'RAN POTT - VARIANCE FROM PARAGRAPH 601.120 - CIT`Y CODE: <br />Mr.. Pott is installing a water line to his home and to that of his mother- <br />in-law next door. The code states that no more than one housing unit can <br />be connected to one service connection. He is requesting this variance <br />because of 'the configuration of the City water mains in this area,. Once <br />the connection to the City water main is made both systems will be disconnected <br />from the well. <br />Armstrong moved, Mottaz seconded, to allow this variance under hardship <br />conditions. Motion carried 3-0. Pott abstained,. <br />BEER LICENSE - WOMEN'S SOFTBALL TOURNAMENT: Armstrong moved, Pott seconded, to authorize <br />a beer license for the Women's Softball Tournament, July 12, 114, and 15. <br />Motion carried 4-0. <br />
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