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07-17-79 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
07-17-79 CCM
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CITY Of, LAUELMO CITY COUNCIL MINOTES, JULY 1.7, 1979 <br />—2-• <br />CIVIL DEFENSE CONTINUED: Mr. Mehsikomer was asked if he would accept this <br />responsibility, and look into the CityPs Civil Defense needs, He <br />agreed to review it and see what is necessary •to qualify. This <br />position would be handled on a, volunteer basis with personal expenses <br />to be reimbursed by the City. Mr. Mehsikomer will report back to the <br />Council with. his findings and decision. <br />EARL GOERSS — LAKE ELMO OIL* Mr. Goerss .reviewed his feelings on the energy <br />problems and gas shortage. He requested the City Council and the <br />Community to acknowledge the problems and do their part to conserve <br />energy. <br />Lake Elmo Oil is going back to their regular. schedule. They will not <br />be open evenings or Sunday. Gas will be limited to a maximum of $10.00. <br />The Governors minimum allotments will also be enforced. The Council <br />questioned if there would be any advantage to having a 11000 gallon <br />bulk tank in West Sunfish Park, to service City vehicles. Mr. Goerss <br />sested the City carefully determine the amount of diesel fuel it uses <br />for the grader, mower' etc, before making this decision, <br />Morgan moved, Mottaz seconded,. the City request the State consider <br />exempting the gallonage of fuel it needs to pump water on Lake Jane <br />from Lake Elmo Oils allotment. Motion carried 4-0. <br />This request is mw& because the monthly allotment of Lake Elmo Oil <br />includes the amount used by the City. This am&mt'should be over and <br />above the amount Lake Elmo Oil receives. <br />DINNER. — BEN' S ELMO INN <br />OLD BUSINESS: A. Leonard Hanson - Rezoning and SUP for Open Sales Lot; and. <br />Adyer. tisin Sin <br />The Council reviewed the request and location of the parcel. Engineer <br />Bohrer has no concerns if'the'two>ponding areas remain unfilled and <br />stay as ponding areas. This arvsXalls into the General Rural Use <br />Zone on the new Comprehensitec'Kan. Morgan stated he is opposed to <br />the idea of spot rezoning'"' Oi€e-this parcel is rezoned to GB it is <br />not restricted to the proposed use. The business proposed. by Mr. <br />Hanson, horse trailer sales; does, appear to be compatible to the desired <br />Ag use. This use would be permitted in the GRU in the n-ew plan. <br />Mottaz moved, Morgan seconded to'approve the request of Mr® Lsonard <br />Hanson if he will agree to -the new Comprehensive Plan zoning and that <br />he will sign an agreement providing..:that he will accept whatever zoning <br />is put on the property under the new Comp Plan that will permit the <br />sale of horse trailers or that use. ,Motion carried 4--0.' <br />The City Attorney will:.draft such an agreement. It will also include <br />the sign be restricted to 4' x 81 and be non —flashing illuminated. <br />B. Don Durand SUP, Paved Access and Turn —around on Lake Elmo <br />Mayor Armstrong reviewed the PZC recommendations and minutes of -the <br />last Council meeting. Also reviewed was the non —conforming use section <br />of the Zoning Code, Larry Bousque, County Engineer, viewed this site <br />and saw no problem; but said a driveway permit is required.. The DNR <br />indicated no permit is necessary. Mr. Durand asked if this area is <br />indicated as a business on the new Comprehensive Plan Map. If not, <br />he would like it so des%;gnated. Mottaz indicated he has reoeived'many <br />calls and has reached dies following conclusions: 1) it is an expansion <br />of a non —conforming use. gbis ramp was not used to launch large boats <br />before now. By putting in the blacktop driveway it becomes wide open <br />public access and makes it a more commercial business. 2.) the City <br />Council has an obligation to protect -the residential neighborhood. <br />In this situation he feels the grandfather clause does not apply. The <br />City Council requested the adjacent property owner to stop launching <br />boats in the past. <br />
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