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07-17-79 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
07-17-79 CCM
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CITY OF LAKE ELMO, CITY COMTCIL MINUTES, JULY 179 1979 <br />_3— <br />Donald, Durand Continued — Any affirmative action would be inconsistent <br />with Council feeling about a launch from the Regional Park and their <br />desire for no launch conveyed to -the County Commissioner this evening. <br />Mottaz moved, that the permit be denied; and, the owner be instructed <br />to put a chain across the ramp; that only boats owned by Pierre's Pier <br />are to be use; and that no public access be allowed. No second, motion <br />dies. <br />Mr. Durand stated he launches only fishing boats and non —motorized boats <br />now. He has a sign stating no ski boats allowed. Pott indicated that <br />discussion about boat sizes is not pertinent, that -the question is the <br />paved ramp. He feels the driveway at Pierre's Pier is not a, big <br />problem compared to the access on the adjacent property. Since the <br />County Engineer stated the driveway poses no problems this should be <br />a consideration. Morgan stated he has seen the site. Parking is <br />adequate and tis is an existing business. Mottaz feels by granting the <br />SUP the City is rezoning the area commercial. Armstrong suggested <br />limiting the horsepower of launched boats to 10 HP. <br />Audience comments included the City is being discriminatory by limiting <br />launched boats to 10 IiP while larger boats are owned by lakeshore <br />residents. Some felt this should remain just a rental area, and are <br />opposed to -the additional traffic on the lake. Dale Furstenburg, <br />Sheriff's Deputy, stated that there is no notice0l.e increase in <br />traffic in this area; also the launch area permits ears to stop <br />before entering Lake Elmo Avenue, thus avoiding accidents. Pott <br />suggested limiting the number of boats launched. <br />Armstrong moved, Morgan seconded, the City Council authorize a SUP <br />to Donald. Durand for the paved driveway and turn around with the fol, <br />lowing conditions: <br />1. He obtain the necessary County permits. <br />2. That he permit no more tha 11 boats to be launched <br />at any one time; and that said boats should be either <br />non —motorized or are boat operated by people who intend <br />to fish. (This speoifioall excluded those launching boats with <br />the intention to water ski.) <br />3. That he not exceed the legal nonconforming use of the <br />property. <br />4. That he provide off—street parking for all clients. <br />5. He sign a Resolution providing for 1-1F above. <br />This permit will be embodied in a resolution to be drafted by the <br />City Attorney. Motion carried 4-1. Mottaz voting nay. <br />TOM RAISIHis Application for Industrial Center in Section 32. <br />Mr. Weer desires -to construct an Industrial Center on the Robert _ <br />Fraser property in Section 32. The property .is presently zoned SFU. <br />They are requesting it be rezoned Light Industrial. Also proposed is <br />the extension of 4th Street. Sewer is not presently extended into <br />this area. An on —site system will b e used until sewer and water are <br />extended. Ponding on —site is proposed to hold surface water. This <br />type of business qualifies for Industrial Revenue Bond financing. <br />They are asking the City to approve IRA's for -this project. The <br />projected cost of the project is $2.5 million. Armstrong questioned <br />the extension of lath Street. MaDot Proposed 4th Street as a frontage <br />road. He asked'if.they are requesting the City to construct the road. <br />Ifaiser indicated they will need lath Street completed before the building <br />is put up. Since 4th Street is proposed as a frontage road the Highway <br />Department will construct it at no cost to the City. The timeframe is <br />the question. <br />Mottaz moved, Morgan seconded, to instruct the Administrator to proceed <br />with the preliminary steps for securing Industrial Revenue Bonds. <br />Motion carried 4-0. Armstrong abstained. Pott wants to know what the <br />limit is on these bonds. <br />
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