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CITY OP LAKE, ELN4 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES9 JULY 179 1979 -5- <br />D Other — Fire Station Addition — After excavating for the new ad— <br />dition it was determined that fill had been put where the .floor slab <br />will go. The estimated cost to remove the top soil and add granular <br />material will be $6800. The contract did not provide for this. <br />Armstrong moved, Johnson seeonded9 to authorize the additional expense <br />to remove -the top soil and put in additional granular material. The <br />.Administrator is to negotiate a change order. Motion carried 3-2, <br />Morgan and Pott voting nay. The top soil is to be placed around the <br />tennis courts at Pebble Paris... Pott feels the $800 should come out <br />of the Engineers Bond. <br />IRVIN COURT: .The adminis•trator sent letters to affected property owners requesting <br />4ey accept the financial responsibility ;for this project. The replies <br />indicated this is not desirable. <br />Armstrong moved9 Mottaz seconded, to adopt: Resolution 79-33 accepting <br />the Engineers report and calling a Feasibility Hearing. Motion carried <br />4-1. Johnson voting nay. A survey is needed to verify those people <br />contributing water. <br />ORDINANCE 7805 — PARK DONATIONS -RBS 3U%4 ff-4gW34: Delete -- approved 8/7/79 <br />Johnson moved9 Morgan seconded to adopt; Ordinance 7805 an ordinaries <br />amending Chapter 401 of the 1978 Municipal Code of Lake Elmo9 relating <br />'to subdivision of land. Motion carried 5-0. The resolution will be <br />held until the next meeting. <br />201 ENGINEER: `.cabled until August 19 1979 <br />COUNCIL REPORTS: A or <br />1. Goal and Budget session — already set for August 1, 1979 <br />2. Code of Ethics — tabled until next meeting. <br />3. Seeler 'Land Sale — Mr. Seeler is offering to sell the City <br />some property near Sunfish Lake. Morgan stated he will call <br />Mr. Seeler and make an appointment to look at the property. It <br />was suggested this parcel should be offered to the Watershed. <br />B. Other. — PZC Alternate Appointment — The Council would. like to <br />see the applications <br />The Administrator will get information from other communities about <br />firemen compensation —reimbursement for attending fires. <br />ADMT.NISTRATORIS REPORT: A. AMM Levy LiMit Program July A 1979. 1-5 p.m. <br />The Administrator will try to attend. No one else is interested in <br />attending. <br />BENS Memo — Tabled until next meeting. This is to be considered in <br />the budget; also the Administrator will cheek on what the County is <br />doing. <br />C. Lioenses — Thomas W. Dahms9 Dahms Heating, Inc. 1124 17th Avenue N9 <br />South St. Paulo Mn. <br />Mottaz moved, Morgan seconded, to approve the license for Thomas W. <br />Dahms. Motion carried 5-0. <br />D. Tr e removal and Boulevard Maintenance — tabled <br />B. 0' k. Street Parkin — tabled <br />F. Jaycee Woment" Softball Tournament — <br />Mottaz movedo Armstrong seconded to approve the permit for the Jaycee <br />Women's Softball. Tournament July 21, 19799 with 'the following conditions: <br />1. a $6200 bond be posted. 2. they hire a policeman to be on duty at <br />all times. they pay for the clean—up after the game. Motion <br />oarried 5-0. <br />G. Paul Ma uson letter — no action <br />