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07-17-79 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
07-17-79 CCM
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CITY OF LAKE L%NO CITY COUNCIL MCNi1TESt JULY 179 1979 -4- <br />KAISER CORTINIM: It was suggested the State be contacted and be made aware of <br />the Cityts interest in this proposal, Mr, Kaiser will have to <br />appear before the Planning Commission to request the rezoning and <br />subdivision ofthe land, This type of use is eonsistant with the <br />propcs ad. Comprehensive Plan, <br />I:' GINEERtS REPORT; A 'Tall Park Second Addition Improvements <br />The Engineer feels additional sealcoating needs to be done to bring <br />the improvement up to specs. Ile is recommending 550 feet of sealcoating <br />be done to cover roller marks, Bruce Folz stated -this will cost an. <br />additional $$19500. He feels this not a reasonable burden to place <br />on, the developer, Bngineer Rohrer stated this should be the respons— <br />ibility of the balektop contractor as the street was paved when the <br />weather conditions were not, favorable' 'thus causing a defective job, <br />Armstrong moved# Mottaz seconded' that the Rigineers report be enforced <br />to the fullest. Thus the Engineers recommendation of sealcoating be <br />completed by the developer, Discussion -. Pott suggested the sealcoating <br />be done in 1980 rather than 1979 in case additional sealcoating needs <br />to be done. Armstrong and Mottaz agreed to so amend the motion. <br />Motion carried 5-0. <br />The Ehgineer questioned the reduced area of the ponding and the steep— <br />ness of the slope down to the ponding area, The Council had previously <br />agreed to the ponding change, The &gineer questioned if capacity <br />of -the pond is as much as originally planned since it is deeper rather <br />than wider. Ile also questioned the design of the elopes+ indicating <br />they may be a safety hazard. The developer will stabalize the slope <br />with some -type of growth, <br />lhgineer Bohrer requested the Council to notify developers -that ac— <br />cording to their Development Agreement daily on —site inspection is to <br />be handled by the developers engineer. Some developers presume the <br />City .Engineer will handle this, The City Ihgineer will not sign any <br />certification of work .completed until he receives a certificate from the <br />developers engineer stating that the plans and specs have been complied <br />with, Periodic inspections will. be made by the City Engineer to <br />verify compliance, <br />B, Maintenance Buildin — Lhgineer Bohrer presented five alternative <br />designs. Ail of the plans, provide for expansion. Location of the <br />refuse will have to be verified for methane gas, The &gineer sug�- <br />eested a joint meeting with those departments that will utilize the <br />building and the City Council, Bid openings are tentatively scheduled <br />for the first part of October with work beginning around November 1, <br />City vehicles may be stored there over the winters but the site will <br />not be completed until spring, support from the Tri—Lakes area# for <br />manning this station will be sougb,t, Wes,Hendriksont T10A architect <br />and planner# will be meeting with the Council on this building. Morgan <br />stated the decision on earth sheltered vs non —earth sheltered could be <br />determined by the Building Committee# specifications will demand full <br />Council attention, <br />SPECIAL MEETING: August 1# 19799 Wednesday# 8:30 a,m,# has been set for an all <br />day Council meeting, The Administrator will prepare an agenda, <br />C, Iiar Drivewa — Fill for the driveway is available on —site. The <br />concrete foundation will be suitable for the foot bri.dge. It will need <br />railings and a wooden deck. <br />Mr, and Mrs. Nelson questioned how the City would handle the drainage <br />Problem through their property if the County does not take their <br />Property, If this becomes the case the City lhgineer will go out and <br />determine what work will need to be done, The Administrator will con— <br />tact the County and find out what the status of the Nelson property is <br />and contact the Nelsonts, <br />
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