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07-18-79 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
07-18-79 CCM
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CITY Cr LAKE, ELMO COMPRUIENSM PLAN HEARING, JULY 18, 1979 <br />Mayor Armstron convened the meeting at 7:45 P.M. Councilors present, Morgan <br />Johnson, Mottaz and Pott. Also present Planner, Rob Chelseth and Administrator <br />Whittaker <br />Bob Chelseth reveiewed the map for the audience. Recommended PZC changes were <br />noted, on the map. <br />AUDIENCE: <br />Mr. Boyle requested the Planner to identify and explain the ag areas. <br />Mr.. Granni.s - Hutchinson property representative - Given to understand that con- <br />sideration would be give to industrial needs if in opinion of City Council the <br />area was suited for. it. I3is client has approximately 100 a on each side of the <br />railroad tracks and is adjacent to the airport. Questioned if he is wrong in <br />assuming this area will remain changed to ag as indicated on the map and not be <br />considered for commercial or industrial., Mr. Chelseth indicated in this area <br />there would not be any i.ndustrial unless it was related to ag. This is what the <br />plan says. <br />Albert Eberhart - is a farmer who has lived here 51 years, He feels the plan is <br />discriminatory to those who have held their land open and have not sold to developers. <br />Why should his land be devalued in order for those who were not born here to look <br />at, He is against this type of forced. donation. This is a deliberate attempt to <br />block the sale of land. He believes the CityCouncil has an obligation to those <br />who have lived here and have held their property open. He requests the Council <br />come up with a plan that is fair and just to all. <br />Martin Cohn - requested Mr. Bill Schaub speak - The Comp Plan as he reads it is <br />from now until 1990. By using such a time frame the City is not showing any long <br />range planning. He recommended the planned use for the Commercial Industrial area <br />remain such. Also the 500 ft. deep strip does not represent the entire area as <br />has been discussed in previous years. Be feels this is a mistake. If the plan <br />does not address post 1990 properties will be sold thus chopping up the land <br />and causing later problems with road patterns and homes, thus losing the possibility <br />of going back and fulfilling some the -the long range planning desired by the City. <br />He recommends the Council plan some long range goals for Commercial and Industrial <br />areas pre 1990 and suggests the concept of PUD to allow development to occur . <br />Mr. Martin Cohn - Federal Land Co - The land the Federal Land Co. owns has been <br />held for ten years. They have not attempted to have it rezoned; and have attempted <br />to be responsible land owners of Lake Elmo. He feels this plan pulls the rug <br />out from -these land owners who have held their property for so many ,years. <br />Don Regan - Suburban Bus - Their property is on the WE corner of Hwy 12 and Co. 17, <br />They have utilized and held this land for 8� years -as a school bus terminal. At <br />-the time of purchase they were told this was a permitted use for this property. <br />He questions the status of -this parcel in regard to improvements. They will not <br />require sewer and water. Be has .requested Briggs and Morgan to communicate with <br />the City and. the Council on their position. <br />Maynard Hier - Agrees 100 with Bill Schaub°s recommendation for an ultimate de- <br />velopment plan. Feels property owners should know what to expect in 1990-95 and <br />2000, Prime Ag land in Lake Elmo is minimal and what money is received from <br />its rent is too low to pay the taxes. This plan does not take into consideration <br />three changes, energy, labor supply and inflation. A petition signed by 80 resident <br />land owners was presented to the Council. Requests.the Council listen to what these <br />people have to say and come,up with a better camp plan. <br />Mayor Armstrong - requested the audience to mention specific changes and uses. <br />Conrad Adams - Read a letter he presented to the Council. He is not opposed to <br />the plan but wishes consideration be given to water problems within the City. Ile <br />suggests a storm water drainage plan through Lake E].mo. <br />J. R. Stocksted - Pinneman, Inc. - Agrees with the previous statements. All of <br />the planning in the past has been carried through since the 60°s. All the planning <br />along 94 has been for uses that are now not going to be allowed. Suggests there <br />be some thought and .planning for uses along the % corridor. <br />
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