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07-18-79 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
07-18-79 CCM
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City Council' Comprehensive Plan Hearing, July 18, 1979 --2- <br />J, R. Stocksted - No provisions have been made for use along the corridor and <br />interohange locations, Previous plans called for other uses. The areas changed <br />would allow less intensive use of the land. Iie feels this amounts to taking of <br />j the land without compensation„ <br />Fki Stevens evens -• resident of Fake Elmo for 18 years and owns 12 acres, Addressed the <br />advertisement of local. Lake Elmo Businessmen in the Free Press, Peels the majority <br />of .residents live here but work elsewhere, Lake Elmo is a bedroo. community, He <br />questioned how many of the businessmen and employees live in Lake Elmo, Indicated <br />1/2 do not. Creating jobs in Lake Elmo does not mean those who live here will <br />work here, Taxes - greater development of the community does not yield greater <br />taxes to the community. He for one would like to keep Lake Elmo rural, <br />Desires no change in the plan, desires to keep town as it is or would. desire <br />very slow change. This present Council ran on this objective and that is why <br />they were elected.. <br />Robert Zirtman - Lives along highway 36 - has lived in the community 28 years, <br />Ite would like to see the 36 corridor develop along, commercial lines. He is <br />presently farming the property but desires -to sell, Feels this plan is a <br />condemnation of his property as it is not suited ;for residential and commercial <br />use is not allowed. Land along Highway should be rezoned commercial, <br />William Boylan - newcomer to the area, has lived here two years. Would like to - <br />direct his comments to the PZC and the City Council, Peels the plan must be fair <br />and just for all residents. Peels some of the proposed zoning is not fair and just. <br />Senior citizens have held their property for retirement. Suggests the City maintain <br />the 5 acre develpment area in order to keep the open area for those who enjoy it. <br />Gene Peltier - farmer - property owner, on hwy. 12. - If the City is going to keep <br />the area rural they need farmers to farm it. 2 to 3 Property owners left that own <br />and farm their property. 909/ or better is owned by developers or investors; The <br />big move to save the farmers and ag land is over 25 years too late. Ile does not <br />feel it is possible to renew the interest and get the farmers back. Rent on the <br />property may just cover taxes. (questioned why the Council and PZC axe against <br />progress® Peels it is inevitable Lake Elmo will get sewer and he would like to <br />see it in his life time. Requests the Council reconsider its proposed land uses, <br />Mr. Vince Douglas - Lake Elmo businessman - no provisions made for and no consid- <br />eration give to the businessman in Lake Elmo, do live in Lake Elmo. Just <br />because some do not live in Lake Elmo does not mean we do not have a strong vested <br />interest here. Presented Council with a petition opposing the proposed plan. <br />Mr, Grannis - representing Mr. Hutchinson owner of approximately 250 acres <br />Mr, Hutchinson purchased the property about 20 years ago as an investment, He <br />has relied on the history of the zoning in this city and has kept the parcel open. <br />He feels strongly that his acreage is prive industrial land. 'The property is bordered <br />south bg 212 to the east by 'the airport and the Chicago Northwestern bisects the <br />property. A natural gas pipe line runs n & S through -the property. To the west <br />is the old village. This area has been designated an industrial zone by the <br />Industrial Devekpment Department and was so zoned before Lake Elmo became a City. <br />Feels it would be a great injustice to Irk. Hutchinson to lose the value of his <br />property that he has held for 20 years on the basis of the proposed use by this <br />City. <br />Gordon B ornson - Understood the PZC and City Council had approvei the 36 corridor <br />and then dropped the proposal, Now this plan is proposed. Mayor Armstrong indi- <br />cated that at one time this was a proposal but nothing was finalized. Feels the <br />City will only gain with this type of zoning. The land in this area is not good <br />for farming and he sees no hardship on Lake Elmo -to d?si,-mate this commercial. <br />e, He requested the Council not t+ocforget..;the residents highway 36. <br />Peter Hutchinson - Dayton Hudson - D-H owns 1000 acres in sections 27 & 28 and <br />I 33 and 34, IIe presented the Council with a copy of the letter sent to the PZCp <br />also a prepared map of their holdings inside and outside the M[JSA line, IIe feels <br />Lake Elmo has potential for continued growth and the capabilities to accomodate it. <br />Indicated that sewer service can be made available to the community; 'The pIn denies <br />all these possibi.lies, The plan says sewer will. not be avaa .a e be or 7� <br />
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