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07-18-79 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
07-18-79 CCM
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CITY COUNCIL, COMPREfTENSIVE PLAN HEARING, JULY 18, 1.979 —3— <br />Peter Hutchinson —Dayton Pudson— Plan goes on to assume growth is based on the <br />assumption that sewer will not be available, before 1990. Questioned desirability <br />of increasing growth, developemnt and density in an area where there is already <br />a problem, flooding Arad water. Presented a, copy of the final draft of the comp <br />plan with specific su#>Testions concerning use inside and outside the MTJSA line. <br />Bob Souls — 3M -- At this time he was not prepared to make a final response. 3M <br />received no notification. Based on his inability to respond 3M is in opposition <br />to this plan at this time. Desires to meet with the City Planner and have a chance <br />to review the proposed plan. Requested the public hearing be kept open until <br />they have an opportunity to respond. <br />Bruce Odlar* — United Properties — Mr. Od,lag submitted a letter from Mr. Stensby <br />with specific .recommendations. Desires this letter be made part of the record. <br />for the City Council and the PZC. They recommend the City develop and use their <br />sewer capacity. Their property is designated residential on the plan, but across <br />the street Is a motel and existing commercial, is at the other end. Residential <br />should not be proposed inbetween. Depth of the commercial should be increased. <br />Development extension is 1990'. They feel this extension should be <br />now. They also feel a 500fto depth strip will create unruly and poor planning;. <br />A conservancy area is also indicated for their pracel. The reason being the <br />topography of their property. They believe other areas have moderate constraints <br />due to the topography eg. areas where services roads are proposed to be. They <br />recommend this area be removed and commercial be indicated all along hwy. 12, <br />]Toward Dahlgren — Dayton Hudson — Feels the City has a great opportunityto <br />plan for the future and determine how it can design its commercial area. The <br />City must plan to a minimum of 1990 but encourage them to plan beyond this. <br />Future planning must be done In order to keep commercial areas out of residential <br />and. visaversa. Planning property can keep taxes low and still achieve growth. <br />Sewer and water can be brought in slowly. Should have a total through —of —fare <br />plan. By a 1-7 per 40 the City is going to get scattered residential development <br />These people will still need and require the same services as higher density. The <br />City will not achieve -the economics they are driving for. He recommends planning <br />development inside the MUSA line. It does not make sense to deny sewer capacity <br />until 1990 when this is available now. Plan for the development within the MUSA <br />befoe 1990 and plan the need for PUD. <br />Steve Raleigh — The real purpose of the plan is not what will happen where, <br />not what will happen when; but how much development would we like and how much <br />development will we allow. Each person who spoke asked to develop their property. <br />The potential is much greater than the City Council, or the City would like to see. <br />Would not like to see a population of 20,000 in 1990. Lake Elmo is primarly a <br />community of homes. Submit these peoples interest should be the primary concern. <br />Feels that if the City allowed all the houses be built' in this community that <br />developers would like to build this place would look like downtown St. Paul. <br />DickDCoster — Stated constitutents elected you on basis of non —development <br />and what we have here indicates this, Would ,you allow us to leave? Would this <br />City be agreeable to a petition annexing property to Woodbury or Oakdale? <br />Mrs. Meehan — We have always had the previous Plan. Why are ,you turning -this <br />over and changing all that has been proposed for 20 ,years. The zoning map has <br />been good for. 20 years, why is this still not so? M r Armstro indicated that <br />population estimates for Lake Elmo fall fax short of what actually is. Previous <br />plans has been based on these projections. Mrs. Meehan "stated what the City is <br />trying to do now they should have done 25 years ago. What can you do with ITOA, <br />it will not raise anything? <br />Bill Stouvenal — Feels the problem with the plan is mostly in design. Suggests <br />those who are preparing it Look at it objectively with no special interests and. <br />determine what is -the logical way for Lake Elmo -to grow. <br />FA Stevens — Commenting on Me. Stouvenals comments — he is suggesting the PZC <br />ad the City Council should do -this plan as the they do not live here. He is <br />looking at it f mm-abusiness and a businessmans point of views 'From:a""taxpayers <br />point of view he objects and is in full agreement with the proposed plan. <br />
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