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Minutes, Lake Elmo City Council July 3, 1979 page two <br />(City Audit continued) <br />serve situation. He discussed briefly some of his recommendations 1 <br />from pages ]S and 19 of the comments section. Iie recommended the <br />City put all -its books on the modified accrual system to avoid <br />some auditor costs in the future. <br />Ile explained how the City would account for costs of a Preliminary <br />Fund, in the event of a petition to the Watershed District. And, <br />he commented that a program budget would also have to be accounted <br />for in standard "line item" budgets so that funds could be audited <br />as required by State law. He said this might result in some ad— <br />ditional costs to the City; but, would be an improvement in accounta— <br />bility. <br />DONALD DURAND, SPECIAL USE PERMIT for Pierre's Pier: Pott read the recommen— <br />dations of the Planning Commission. Johnson asked why Mr. Durand <br />had not applied for a permit before paving the access. Durand <br />said he wasn't aware of the requirement; had been launching boats <br />there for years; and that he proposed to continue to launch fishing <br />boats on, perhaps, a somewhat larger scale than in the immediate <br />past. <br />Todd Williamsi-3025 Lake Elmo Ave. No., expressed the following <br />concerns: (1) This permit would allow intensified use of the access; <br />and expand a non —conforming use; (2) It would unreasonable to allow <br />a permit after the work had been done; and that Mr. Durand was <br />well aware of the codes, as a contractor; (3) It would set a bad <br />precedent; and others would go ahead without permits; (4) It will <br />increase traffic of large boats on Lake Elmo; and that would conflict <br />with the City's goals to keep that lake quiet; (5) It would in— <br />crease traffic on Lake Elmo Avenue; (6) It would become a safety <br />hazard on the east shore; when the western shore could be developed <br />more safely; and, (7) There is no hardship which justifies the <br />permit. <br />Pott questioned if this was really an intensification of the use. <br />It merely paves an existing access — an improvement that might <br />be better than the current gravel access. Durand said this area <br />has been an access for over 30 years; and that, at one time, his <br />father had as many as 54 boats for rent on the site. He currently <br />has fewer than. 15 altogL�ther;and launches about 9 or 10 for others <br />daily. <br />Tom Kellar objected to the expansion of a quiet business into a <br />more intense use. He said it will degrade the frontage values of <br />others on the lake. He suggested the Council agree on the over—all <br />use of the Lake; and set limits for all users that would be con— <br />sistent with current use. <br />Pott explained that the Water Surface Ute and Zoning Committee <br />was established for that purpose; and is developing regulations <br />on boat sike, motor size, and speed limits onall lakes in the <br />City. <br />Mottaz said he still had concerns about traffic on the County Road; <br />and would like the opinion of the County Engineer on the boat launch. <br />He said he would also like the City Attorney's opinion on the status <br />of the non —conforming use. He also wants DNR advised of the improve— <br />ment. <br />