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07-03-79 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
07-03-79 CCM
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Minutes, Lake Elmo City Council July 3, 197V page three <br />(Durand SUP, continued) <br />Mottaz,moved, seconded by Johnson, to table Mr. Durandrs request <br />for a Special Use Permit to pave the access until July 17, 1979. <br />Motion carried 3-0. <br />Durand said the access was there; so the access is not the issue. <br />The issue is whether or not he can pave it. He said Cimarron and <br />Tartan Park generate far more of the traffic on Lake Elmo Avenue. <br />9:00 p.m. Break <br />RICHARD CONNORS — SPECIAL USE PERMIT to place fill on Lots 23 and ;4, Berschens <br />Shores. Whittaker read the recommendations of the Planning Commis— <br />sion to the Council. <br />Johnson moved, seconded by Mottaz, to grant a Special Use Permit <br />to Mr. Connors of 9250 Lake Jane Trail, for 179 yards of fill <br />of Lots-23 and 4 of Berschens Shores, as described in his applica— <br />tion, above an elevation of 924 MSD; and to release the bond re- <br />quired for the temporary permit issue earlier. Motion carried 3-0. <br />LEONARD HANSON -- REZONING, and SPi1C1AL USE PERMITS for Open Sales Lot and an <br />Advertising Sign, at 10824 Hudson Road, owned by Bill Pauley. <br />After some discussion, the Council agreed that this application <br />could not be considered unless at least four Council members.;:are <br />present to vobe on the rezoning. The request will be put on the <br />July 17, 1979, agenda. (qTohnson had made a motion to grant the <br />rezoning and permits.) Mottaz moved, seconded by Johnson, to <br />table the request until four Councillors are present. Motion <br />carried 3-0- <br />KEN SOVEREIGN — PETITION TO CONTROL LEVELS OF LAKES,OLSEN AND DE4ONTREVILLE: <br />After some discuss�c5n-. about the c* s-,of the lakes and funding <br />alternatives for the project; Whittaker read the City Attorney's <br />opinion on the adequacy of the petitions. The Attorney recommended <br />the City secure promisory notes for the Preliminary Fund costs of <br />this project before it petition the Watershed District. <br />Mottaz moved, seconded by Johnson, that the City request an estimate <br />of the cost of the Preliminary Fund for this project from the Valley <br />Branch Watershed District; and, then, ask the petitioners to sign <br />promisory notes for their pro—rata share of the cost. Motion carried <br />3-0- <br />The Councl:.ifistructed the Administrator to prepare the notes once <br />the estimate is in; and advise the Council of the petitioners willing- <br />ness to sign them before preparing any petitions for Council aOtion. <br />ENGINEER'S REPORT: <br />A. Tablyn Park Improvements. The Council instructed the Engineer <br />to check the storm sewers in the Second Addition to see if they <br />are open and functioning properly. They agreed that he should check <br />the pond dimensions to insure it is excavated to the full width <br />called for in the plans. And, they asked that the owners of the <br />Second Addition be called into the next meeting. <br />B. Hardyts Driveway. The Engineer presented costs estimates for <br />the driveway and the foot bridge requested by the Hardyts. The <br />driveway will require as much as 400 yards of fill; and could run <br />$ 1500 for materials alone. The foot bridge could run as much as <br />$5000 for materials alone, with a contractor installed footing. <br />
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