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07-31-79 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
07-31-79 CCM
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CITY OF LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MEETING, JULY 31, 1979 <br />Mayor Armstrong convened the meeting at 6:40 p.m. <br />Councilors in attendance: Mottaz, Morgan, Johnson and Pott. Also present, <br />Administrator Whittaker and Engineer Bohrer. <br />AGENDA: Addition to the agenda to include Agenda for the August 1 meeting. <br />KIESTER SUP FOR FILL: Mayor Armstrong reviewed the file and the recommendation <br />of the Planning Commission. Mr. Kiester will be displacing 1/6 of <br />an acre foot of water by filling. He desires to fill in order to <br />make his property more useable. The ground water on his property is <br />higher due to the driveway to the north. The fill is all above the <br />high water mark, and will contain no more than 300 yards. <br />The Administrator had an inquiry about adjacent unbuildable lots <br />adding fill to the same elevation to make them buildable. The <br />administrator indicated that obese lots would remain unbuildable <br />even if fill were added to the 889.7 elevation. <br />Pott moved, Johnson seconded, to accept the recommendation of the <br />PZC and approve the SUP for Charles Kiester to add up to 300 cu. yd. <br />of full, not to exceed the 889.7 elevation. This approval subject <br />to the recommendations of the City Engineer. Motion carried 5-0. <br />The Council expressed concern about other residents adding fill in <br />this area without the necessary permits. Any change in topography <br />by filling necessitates a Special Use Permit. <br />Armstrong moved, Morgan seconded, the Building Inspector submit to <br />to the Council any building permit application with lots adjoining <br />any stream, lake, pond, water storage area, etc. before said permit <br />can be issued. Amendment to the motion — this requirement to be a <br />temporary enforcement measure until a City policy document is drafted. <br />Motion carried 5--0. <br />The City Engineer was requested to ascertain the natural waterway <br />through this area. <br />FIRST STREET AND IMMANUAL ASSESSMENT HEARING — <br />This project was petitioned for by the area residents, ,and together <br />with the City Engineer an economically feasible project was designed. <br />Tom Noyes, City Engineer, agreed to the assessment roster on 6-5-78. <br />The assessment was to be divided into eight shares. The project is <br />complete and the breakdown of the assessment is being questioned. <br />Also questioned, was the condition of the curb. Engineer Bohrer <br />indicated a bituminous curb was deleted from the contract. The <br />Engineer will inspect the area for poot material or workmanship. <br />Mr. Kimbrel, owner of the duplex at the time of the project, indicated <br />he did not feel he should be paying 1/4 of the total assessment. He <br />does not feel he is benefited any more than the surrounding residents. <br />( He desires the total amount be divided equally among the seven property <br />\, owners. <br />
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