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CITY OF LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MEET ING, JULY 31, 1979 <br />—2— <br />FIRST STREET AND IMMANUAL —CONTINUED — <br />Mr. Gravink presented the Council with the original Engineers memo <br />which divided the assessment by eight. Mayor Armstrong closed the <br />hearing at 7:40 p.m. <br />Armstrong moved, Morgan seconded, to adopt Resolution 79-34 <br />accepting the agreement in the original memo and assess according to <br />the Engineers memo showing division of the assessment by eight (8). <br />1 share per dwelling unit. The terms for payment to be 8% for 10 years. <br />Motion carried 5-0. <br />Mr. Kimbrel asked what recourse he has to appeal this decision. <br />Mayor Armstrong indicated he has 20 days from the hearing date to <br />file notice with the City. <br />LAKE JANE HILLS DRAINAGE IMPROVEMMI TS (IRVIN COURT) FEASIBILITY HEARING — <br />Administrator Whittaker reviewed a letter from Bruce Folz indicating <br />Mr. Mogren will assume the cost of construction for this project. <br />Engineer Bohrer reviewed the proposed project and the area where the <br />improvement would be. <br />Remarks from the audience: <br />Mr. Jungmann — questioned whether there was a drainage map of the area <br />before Irvin Court was constructed. Engineer answered no. <br />Mr. Jenson questioned why the proposal is for an 1811 culvert rather <br />than a 27" culvert, as previously discussed. The Engineer maintains <br />an 181, culvert will handle the current problem. <br />Mr. Jungman asked what provisions have been set up to maintain the <br />level of Jane. He would like another alternative rather than piping <br />more water into the lake. <br />Residents indicated before the development of Lake Jane Hills 3rd <br />there was a ponding area where Irvin Court is now, with the water <br />being held there by a berm. The developer leveled the berm, thereby, <br />increasing the water flow to Jane. <br />Bruce Folz stated there is no greater amount of water going into Jane <br />now than before Lake Jane Hills. A berm constructed to the east <br />diverts a large portion of what use to flow into Jane to the south. <br />More water may be going down Irvin Court, but no more water is flowing <br />into Lake Jane because of the development. <br />Another resident indicated they are to be assessed for something they <br />were assured would not happen when plat approval was given. <br />Mollie Hedges stated that there was never any water on their property <br />at this location before Irvin Court. <br />Mr. Schaubslager felt the developer should be totally responsible <br />for correcting the problem. Residents are already being assessed <br />to: pump Lame.Jaheob_ecaliserof flooding and will be assessed again to <br />put more water back into the lake. <br />Mr. Praus questioned why existing property owners should be assessed <br />at all. They were told there would be no increase in run—off. There <br />was no problem before Irvin Court filled in a holding area. <br />Richard Connors stated he has been fighting'the.flood problem for <br />the past couple years. He feels no additional water should go into <br />Jane. He suggested the developers put in a holding pond in sone other <br />area of the development to take care of this run—off. <br />