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07-31-79 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
07-31-79 CCM
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CITY OF LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MEETING, JULY 31, 1-979 —3- <br />IRVIN COURT CONTINUED — <br />Engineer Bohrer stated 27 acres is the total area concerned. A 6„ <br />rainfall constitutes 500% of the run—off or 8 acre feet. This would <br />be adding .05 of a foot of water to Jane. <br />Mr. Deyo stated that since pumping is the only solution according to the <br />City Council a berm should be recreated and the water pumped the other way. <br />Mayor Armstrong questioned the acre feet of water flowing into Jane before <br />Irvin Court vs now. '62 acre feet flowed into Jane before vs 8 acre ft. now. <br />Mrs. Jungmann proposed Mr. Mogren post a security bond to guarantee the <br />residents no more repercussion from his development. <br />Mr. Deyo questioned the drainage to Jane from Green Acres and Foxfire. <br />Mayor Armstrong closed the hearing at 8:25 P.M. <br />This item will be on the August 21, 1979 agenda at 7:45 p.m <br />ASSESSMENT FOR FLOOD CONTROL PROJECT III (1978 PUMPING) — <br />Administrator Whittaker explained the formula and how the assessments were <br />arrived at. Mayor Armstrong indicated this is the last time the City <br />of Lake Elmo will be assessing for pumping. Valley Branch Watershed is <br />assuming the responsibility and they have the ability to assess out <br />the project to 100% of contributing area vs Lake Elmo only being able <br />to assess the 4010 in the Tri—Lakes area. <br />Audience remarks: <br />Conrad Adams read a letter he presented to the Council protesting the <br />pumping. He feels the City should take the necessary steps for a <br />permanent solution to the problem. <br />Harry Zabrock — feels the assessments are a lien against his property. <br />He refered to a letter from Tom Noyes, City Engineer, indicating <br />numerous homes where flood threatens the septic systems. He questioned <br />what compensation is he receiving from these 'liens'. His home and <br />property are not threatened and he feels his is paying in order that <br />homeowners on Lake Jane will not have to rectify their own problems. <br />He is opposed to the pumping. <br />James Jungmann questioned with Valley Branch and the City of Lake Elmo, <br />where does the responsibility to residents begin and end. Mottaz <br />indicated the responsibility rests with the citizens. Mottaz stated <br />the citizens must organize and sign a petition requesting a permanent <br />solution from VBWD. The costs for the/project will be assigned to those <br />who petition, if the project ffils. preliminary fund for the <br />Harry Zabrock questioned those who were not included on the Valley Branch <br />map <br />Mayor Armstrong explained the City has added many areas and is confident <br />all contributing properties are included. <br />Conrad Adams questioned whether a lot that is under water is subject to <br />assessemnt. Mayor Armstrong stated he should come in and file a <br />written protest if he feels part of the assessment unfair. <br />Mayor Armstrong closed the hearing at 9:20 p.m. <br />Mottaz moved, Johnson seconded, to adopt Resolution 79-35, A Resolution <br />Ordering Preparation of Assessment Rolls with Respect To Surface Water <br />Control Project III and Ordering Hearing Thereon, assessment schedule <br />for the 1978 pumping of Lake Jane. Motion carried 5-0. _ <br />CURFEW ORDINANCE: Mike Ahrens, Cimarron, suggested raising the age limit from 12 to 15. <br />Armstrong moved, Morgan seconded, the Council adopt Ordinance 780b, Curfew <br />Ordinance, with the addition that any minor person under 15 years of age <br />have a curfew of 10 o'clock and those under 12 years of age have a curfew <br />of P nVoInnk_ Mn+Ann nn nroi aA r—n <br />
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