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08-21-79 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
08-21-79 CCM
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CITY COUNCIL MEETING, AUGUST 21, 1979 <br />—2— <br />REGIONAL PARK: Johnson stated the west shore would be a better location for a <br />launch. Mr. Muenich felt the South East launch could be eliminated, <br />but if the lake is designated a fishing lake there must be access. <br />Mottaz desires a launch be engineered in such a way that you can <br />launch the type of boats desired, with regulations and and enforcement <br />agent. Mr. Lockyear said he will check on regulations with the Met <br />Council. <br />2) Through Road — Mr. Muenich indicated the alignment has been <br />changed in many places. The road is curved and has a T—intersection <br />about mid —point in the park. The road is a through —design in order <br />to enable people access to areas within the park rather than have <br />them leave its boundaries and drive around to another point. Pott <br />suggested signal lights for the tracks at the access from 212. Johnson <br />felt increased traffic on 212 may be diverted through the park. Mr. <br />Muenich indicated there will be control points at the access points <br />and a turning lane with center island at 212. The more expensive <br />alignment around the east side of the pond provides a more direct <br />route from the Interpretative Center to Headquarters. Ed Nielsen <br />asked why the center could not be moved. He would rather see the <br />money go towards developing trails than roads. The trails can be <br />done much sooner, also. Pott wanted it noted that many dollars are <br />to,be spent on roads and the City desires to save this money. There <br />will be no golf course in this plan. <br />3) RV Camping — The County said if this type of camping is desirable <br />the area located on the plan is the only feasible one. The Council <br />indicated it may not be desirable at all; and that if it is planned <br />it should be a full service site with dumping station. It is not a <br />good idea to mix RV and tent camping if electricity is not provided. <br />RV and primitive camping don't mix. <br />Mottaz quoted from a letter from Brauer concerning the intent of the <br />park. Mr. Lockyear indicated he will talk to the Met Council and <br />see what type of restrictions can be imposed. He stated this park <br />is to serve the Metropolitan Region. <br />4) Horse Trails — The County preceived a demand .for horse activities <br />in the park. The trails shown are for maximum use. From a design <br />perspective they will not be in conflict with other used areas. <br />Cross—country ski trails were not shown to the degree of use they <br />should be shown. Many horse trails can be used for ski trails in <br />the winter. <br />5) Development Schedule — A development schedule has been proposed <br />to Washington County, but no approval has been given as yet. It <br />will be a phased schedule. Morgan suggested one way to open the <br />park sooner is with a series of trails. This can be done with <br />minimal expense. These trails would be compatable with existing homes <br />the park. <br />Data Sheet — Parking for cross—country skiing was discussed. 50 <br />spaces may not be enough. The Interpretative Center will act as a <br />back—up parking area in the winter. Mottaz questioned truck traffic <br />through the park. This will be handled with azel limits. <br />7) Swimming Beach — $200,000 is proposed to develop a swimming beach <br />on Lake Elmo. Ed Nielsen suggested a beach such as Square Lake. This <br />would be much less expensive. Existing lakeshore on the west could be <br />used rather than developing a new area. Mr. Muenich said the reason <br />for the proposed location is it would be near the picnic and activities <br />area. A natural beach would need too much fill and sand to make it <br />workable. Mr. Lockyear said he would check and see if it were feasible <br />to make a swimming area on the west side of the lake. <br />DINNER BREAK — BEN°S ELMO INN <br />
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