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CITY COUNCIL MEETING, AUGUST 21, 1979 <br />-3- <br />ENGINEER'S REPORT: <br />A. Hard 's Driveway — The Engineer was unable to determine the location <br />the concrete p'piars for the footbridge without property irons. <br />He will need some type of survey of the area. There is also a <br />question of whether or not part of the Hardy driveway is on City <br />pproperty. Mrs. Hardy told the Council she does not want to work <br />throu�h the County. She desires to stick to the original agreement <br />with the City. The Council suggested the footbridgge be on the <br />Hardy property if at all possible, and pay the Hardy's for the materials, <br />leaving them responsible for the construction of the bridge. <br />Mottaz moved, seconded by Morgan to authorize the Engineer to get <br />firm bids on construction of the driveway and offer the Hardy's $300 <br />to buy materials for the footbridge. They would be responsible for <br />the bridge construction. Discussion — Hardy's would be asked to <br />give the City a construction easement to install the driveway and <br />culvert. <br />Morgan moved, seconded by Mottaz, to delay the motion until firm <br />bids for construction costs are received and the location of the <br />bridge piers are determined. Motion carried 5-0. <br />If the bridge is on City property the City would lease the land for <br />it to Hardy's. Mrs. Hardy will bring in the survey of her property <br />to determine if their driveway is on City property. <br />The Engineer brought up a drainage problem in Tablyn Park II on <br />27th Street cul—d—sac. Bruce Folz said that Mogren will fill and <br />sod the area if the work has not been completed. <br />B. Walter Pechan — The minimum width of the driveway access the <br />engineer would accept is 12 ft. This would allow one—way traffic. <br />Armstrong stated he is not in favor of setting a City policy of <br />permitting 'glorified' driveways in lieu of City streets. Maynard <br />Eder asked the Council to table this until he can review it and <br />see what impact it will have on his parents property. If 46th St. <br />were extended, this would split the Eders south 40 in half. Also, <br />the Stevens property would be involved. <br />Pott moved, seconded by Mottaz to table this request until the next <br />regular meeting. Motion carried 5-0. <br />C. Baptist Church — The grading being done at the site is in conflict <br />*rri£fi wha£ was approved on the original site plan; but might improve <br />the site for the neighbors. The fill will bring the major parking <br />area close to the same level of the road. The Engineer saw no <br />problem concerning the septic system. He primarily wanted the Council <br />aware of the change from the original plan. He suggested that since <br />the sanitary sewer permit was taken out before the grading work was <br />done that a new permit be taken out for the new system. The system <br />is on a slope now. By requiring a new permit the City can control <br />this portion of work. This revision is necessary because excess <br />material came from the pond excavation. <br />Armstrong moved, seconded by Mottaz to approve this request from <br />Lake Elmo Baptist Church for change, subject to the approval and <br />recommendations of the City Engineer. Motion carried 5-0. <br />Engineer Bohrer also suggested Bob Wier check on the sewer. <br />D. Foxfire Storm Sewer — The Council expressed concern about the <br />drainage running toward Lake Jane, and the City's ability to increase <br />the capacity of existing ponds if they fill up. They asked if the <br />system is designed to take the over —flow in today's 100 year storms. <br />Mr. Schifsky said he is confident the designed system is more than <br />adequate for the land when it is fully developed. This was the <br />opinion of the City's previous engineer also. The signs for Jamaca <br />stating "Emergency Vehicles Only" have been ordered. Barricades <br />have been put in place to stop through traffic. There has been some <br />questions from Jane Road North residents as to why the road will not <br />continue through. A keyed gate at the end of Jamaca will be installed <br />as soon as possible, per the developers agreement. <br />