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08-21-79 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
08-21-79 CCM
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CITY COUNCIL MEETING, AUGUST 21, 1979 -5- <br />COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: Our predessors did not anticipate the problems the Old <br />Village faces today regarding failing systems. Armstrong said the <br />difference is the 12 acre minimum and indicating w nfield sites. <br />Properly installed and properly maintained, todays septic system can <br />go to the year 2100. Morgan and Mottaz feel there will be an alternative <br />in time to the big "p p511, and Lake "•Imo can afford to wait, at this <br />time. Pott said he would like to shape the community not zone it. He <br />feels the ity is closing the door on diversified uses as no provision <br />for services are made in this plan. Armstrong took a vote to move the <br />MUSA line back to the west boundary oiy. Morgan, Mottaz and <br />Armstrong were in favor. Johnson and Pott were opposed. The high <br />density residential, the area inside the MUSA line and section 32, will <br />be deleted. <br />I-94 — The noise level zone will be 1 320 f et deep from County 13 to <br />bounty 19. From County 19 to County '15 — 6e60 feet back. Johnson <br />disagrees with the 660 figure. He does not feel it is deep enough <br />and 1,320 would be a better distance. <br />Highway 36 — Mottaz is opposed to any change on 36. Every effort should <br />e made to mai"nnaIn this as a comfortable commuter highway. How much <br />area do we deen for commercial? He would rather have business con— <br />centrated in the Old Village and along Highway 12 instead of starting <br />up a new area. Morgan feels commercial should go in the Old Village. <br />Highway 36 could support something that has never been done before. <br />The City could really control what would go in, possibly some type <br />of PUD. Something that would not detract from what is there now. <br />Pott would like to see something done between the highway and the <br />power lines. There would be no strong opposition if the right thing <br />were proposed. The City wants to avoid an area like Oak Park Heights has <br />and flag —flying car dealerships. They would like to see something <br />that would fit into the landscape not jump out from it. <br />Hi way 12 — Commercial — There are 300 A along Highway 12 designated <br />pos0 for development, Section 32 excepted. The door is not <br />being closed to requests in this area if it is the desired use and <br />good for the City and does not change what the Council desires the <br />City to look like. Section 32 development — now. From Co. 19 to <br />Section 32 developeent — 1985. Past County 19 development — post 1990. <br />A straw vote was taken on the 36 Corridor — all Treed to keep it as <br />it is. <br />3M— This will remain in the RR zone. The City acknowledges 3M as the <br />owners of said parcel and as stated in their letter to the City they <br />have no plans for development before 1985. The City will plan ac— <br />cordingly. <br />Resolution 79-41 Mottaz moved, seconded by Morgan, to adopt the Comprehensive Plan � <br />:orrected 9/18/79 with the stipulation this plan be subject to intensive review by the <br />PZC and City Council by 1985 or sooner. Motion carried 5-0. <br />OLD BUSINESS: <br />A. Banister Plat — Armstrong moved, seconded by Morgan, to approve <br />Resolution 79-42, accepting the Banister Plat and street utility <br />easement agreement. Motion carried 5-0. (copy attached to and hereby <br />made a part of these minutes.) <br />B. Hanson SUP Resolution — Mottaz moved, seconded by Morgan, to approve <br />eso u ion — -solution granting a Special Use Permit to <br />Leonard Hanson and Ordinance 7808 for rezoning. (cop yy attached to and <br />hereby made a part of these minutes) Motion,carried P. <br />C. Oli ger Mir�inermit, Fee — Morgan moved, seconded by Pott, to <br />insErucn£ £ dmmInT st'ra or o order the pile of fill removed as a <br />public nuisance. Motion carried 5-0. <br />
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