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CITY OF LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MEETING, AUGUST 7, 1979 <br />Councillor Pott convened the meeting at 6:32 p.m. with the following Councillors <br />answering the roll: Johnson, Morgan and Mottaz. Mayor Armstrong arrived at <br />6:35 p.m. Also in attendance Administrator.Whittaker and Engineer Bohrer (7:00). <br />AGENDA: Armstrong moved, seconded by Mottaz, that the Agenda be -approved <br />with the following corrections: Delete Mayers appraisal and <br />Kaiser hearing; and add license for JAYCEES for Huff and Puff <br />Days, the Firemen for Street dance, and Mitchel Heating;_,and_ <br />discussion on Double-feeing for permits; change in hearing <br />requirements for Flood Plain Management and Shoreland Management <br />permits when another government body has already held hearings <br />on the project; and discussion on Planning Commission concerns <br />about hearings held by the City Council. Motion carried 5-0. <br />MINUTES: Morgan moved, seconded by Mottaz, that the Council approve the <br />minutes of July 17 meeting deleting the reference to Resolution 79-34- <br />Motion carried 5-0 <br />Armstrong moved, seconded by Johnson, to amend the minutes of the <br />June 19, 1979 City Council meeting to reflect that '4 a person in <br />the audience" made the remark that Brookman Addition may be the <br />cause of the water problem, in Lake Elmo Hardwood Lumber's parking <br />lot. Motion carried 5-0. <br />CLAIMS: Morgan moved, seconded by Mottaz, that Claims ##79460 to 79516 be <br />approved, excepting ##79484; and adding #19506, a refund to Howard <br />Springborn for a $224-55 overpayment of park donation for Green <br />Acres. ##79516, then becomes the final payroll check. Motion <br />carried 5-0. <br />CONSENT RESOLUTION: Resolution 79-36 - Armstrong moved, seconded by Pott, the <br />Council adopt RESOLUTION 79-36, a Resolution adopting consensus <br />motions made by the City Council August 1, 1979, at a 'Workshop <br />Session. (Copy attached to and hereby made a part of these minutes.) <br />Motion carried 5-0. <br />WALTER PECHAN: Variance to Sell 6 Acre Parcel off Keats and Future 46th Street. <br />Mr. Pechan appeared before the Council in March of 1979. At that <br />time the Council denied his variance request; but, said that if <br />Keats Avenue were brought up to rural standards and a maintenance <br />agreement were entered into with the City it would be reconsidered. <br />Mr Pechan has agreed to these conditions. Mr. Pechan is proposing <br />to dedicate 50 feet for the extension of Keats Avenue. The proposed <br />extended alignment is off -set by approximately 17 feet from the <br />existing Keats Avenue. The Council questioned the necessity of <br />up -grading the present driveway to the present standards of Keats <br />Avenue. Mottaz felt this may set a policy precedent by not requiring <br />the up -grading. He also questioned how many like situations are in <br />the City. This is a separately taxed, land -locked, 6 Acre parcel. <br />Armstrong moved, seconded by Mottaz, to instruct the Engineer to <br />look at and set the standards for the driveway; and, have the City <br />Attorney draft an agreement for road maintenance, dedication and <br />emergency vehicle access to the property. Request tabled until the <br />next meeting. Motion carried 5-0. <br />PUBLIC INQUIRIES: None <br />CONTINUATION OF THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN HEARING - <br />Arlo Levi - representing the 3M Company - Mr. Levi wanted to <br />reaffirm 3M's position on Carlton Park. 3M has expended millions <br />of dollars on preliminary planning anEIS Study and land acquistion. <br />