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CITY COUNCIL MINUTES, AUGUST 7, 1979 <br />—2— <br />COMPREHENSIVE PLAN HEARING CONTINUED: 3M <br />They also spent 22 years going through procedures with the City. <br />They did not request rezoning of the property; but, the last <br />Comprehensive Plan was changed to provide for the 3M facility. <br />Their present plan is adequate until 1985; and , they want the <br />City to recognize Carlton Park in the present Comprehensive Plan. <br />Mr. Levi asked for an explaination for the change in the plan. <br />Mayor Armstrongread the letter from �M dated December, 1977; and, <br />said based on is letter, the City did not feel 3M was going to <br />actively pursue the development at this site. Mayor Armstrong <br />stated that, when 3M comes in with a plan for development, the <br />City will review it. Councilman Mottaz stated 3M did not show <br />good faith. 3M dropped the ball when they indicated they were <br />going to leave the state. The City believed this. Now 3M is coming <br />back back and saying Lake Elmo is not going to operate in good <br />faith and is suggesting to join others and sue Lake Elmo. Mr. Levi <br />stated 3M did not say they were going to move out of the state. <br />Mayor Armstrong stated 3M should come back in with plans when they <br />are ready to develop the property. <br />Mr. Hutchinson — Read statement giving the bac4round of the property. <br />IJu6 to tne location of the property, its proximity to the airport, <br />212, and the railroad tracks, and the fact it has been zoned <br />Industrial for 20 years; Mr. Hutchinson believes that Industrial <br />Zoning of the property is the only logical zoning. This property <br />should remain industrially zoned and he should not have to go <br />through rezoning. <br />Ward Holiday — Owner of 15 acres on County 15 and 30th Street and <br />3 —acres on Highway 212. He questioned whether this plan is <br />looking forward or way -back. He invested in this land because of <br />its potential for subdivision and development. (Mr,ljoliday <br />presently has a 22 acre parcel zoned commercial. This may fall into <br />the GRU area.) Mayor Armstrong said those who oppose a particular <br />zoning should come to the zoning hearings, later this summer — <br />Dick Hesse — Requested the Council take a straw ballot of those <br />ern in the audience who live on 10 acres or more, who are <br />opposed to the plan, and will be included in the GRU area. The <br />majority were opposed. He feels 5 to 10 acre lots will not keep <br />the area rural. He suggested clustered housing on 12 acre lots. <br />Mayor Armstrong indicated the PZC proposal of 7 homes per 40 acres <br />provided this. Mr. Hesse feels the present plan does not give <br />them any options for use of their land. Councilman Mottaz wanted <br />the record to show there were approximately 12 property owners in <br />the audience; this does not show the majority of property owners <br />in the City. Mr. Hesse stated that no one in the room, who owns <br />property is for the plan. Tom Armstrong said this is not true, as <br />he owns land. <br />Vince Douglas — Disagreed with the statement made by Councilman <br />Mottaz. 7779tated the City has a petition from residents who own <br />in excess of 3,000 acres in Lake Elmo. He asked if the Council <br />does not consider this the voice of the people. The business <br />community also submitted a petition. He feels the Council is <br />totally disregarding what the people in Lake Elmo are saying. He <br />suggested the area between 212 and the railroad remain industrial; <br />the area between 36 and the powerlines be zoned industrial; and <br />proper consideration for commercial development along Highway U <br />be given. Mayor Armstrong explained the City has an obligation <br />to plan for development where the City expects it and can accom— <br />modate it between now and 1990. Past estimates of population and <br />development have been wrong. Property in the City is being zoned <br />to its present use. Whan a different use is desired, the request <br />will be reviewed by the Council. The City is not going to allow <br />bad development. Spot zoning is not responsible action. The plan <br />shows where business and housing will generally go in the next 10 <br />