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CITY OF LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MEETING, SEPTEMBER 18, 1979 <br />Mayor Armstrong convened the meeting at 5:15 p.m. <br />Councilors in attendance: Johnson (5:45), Pott and Morgan. Also <br />Administrator Whittaker, Building Inspector Kluegel, and Engineer Bohrer. <br />AGENDA: Pay Plan to be considered at the end of agenda. <br />Armstrong moved, seconded by Morgan, to approve the agenda <br />as amended. Motion carried 3-0. <br />MINUTES: September 4, 1979 - Council Reports - Relief Association - <br />Pott ccument: He feels this would take about 10 hours per <br />year. <br />Administrators Report - Frozen Main Repairs - Add: Whittaker <br />suggested the remaining homes will be repaired by the City <br />as they are a result of the City cutting down the road, and <br />two of the homes will be charged for the work because they <br />installed poor service lines. <br />Morgan moved, seconded, by Armstrong, to approve the minutes <br />of September 4, 1979, as amended. Notion carried 3-0. <br />August 21, 1979, Page 1 - Dyer Appraisal - should be $3,500 <br />plus legal and appraisal. Page 4 - Irvin Court motion...... <br />as much as $3,000 will be assessed. Resolution 79-40, Irvin <br />Court and Resolution 79-41, Resolution nwmbers to be noted in <br />the minutes. <br />Armstrong moved, seconded by Morgan, to approve the changes <br />in the minutes of August 21, 1979. Motion carried 3-0. <br />CLAIMS: The Administrator suggested the $2,000, for the Hedges easement <br />should be added This should be paid within the next two weeks. <br />Morgan asked that the Park Fund be reimbursed for that portion <br />of rock that went to the VFW. Morgan also requested he be <br />contacted if there is any question concerning what percentage <br />of work is completed by the park planners. <br />Morgan moved., seconded by Armstrong, to approve Claims 79583 - <br />79622. Notion carried 3-0. <br />MAINTENANCE BUILDING: Wes Hendrickson, TKDA, Architect. <br />Background - Mr. Hendrickson met two months ago with the <br />Building Committee and discussed the building that was <br />visualized at that time. He has had several meetings since <br />with the City staff to discuss the building use in general. <br />TKDA has prepared four building alternatives for a building <br />to store vehicles in. This could be used for either public <br />works, fire department, or both. TKDA now has an accurate <br />topography of the site and know some of the soil condition <br />factors. Borings will be needed to determine the stability <br />of the soil. The area involved is about six (6) acres. The <br />City requested cost figures, these are included in the four <br />options to be considered. The alternative range from a <br />