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09-18-79 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
09-18-79 CCM
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CITY COUNCIL MEETING, SEPTEMBER 18, 1979 -2- <br />MAINTENANCE BUILDING: convential free standing to a totally earth <br />sheltered building. <br />A. Convential Free Standing Building - 3300 sq. ft. on first <br />level, 80 ft. long with a 10 ft. x 64 ft. mezzanine level on <br />the back. The interior includes a toilet and office or break- <br />rom. Access will either be from the north, using the existing <br />road, or in line with 42nd Street. The structure will be pre- <br />cast reinforced concrete panels. "B", "C" and "D" will have <br />the same .concrete panels forming the roof; "A" will use open <br />web steel joist for the roof. Basically the building for "A" <br />through "D" is the same with each alternative being a little <br />more earth sheltered. Building costs increase as the structure <br />is more earth sheltered, because additional structure in the <br />wall is needed to withstand the soil pressure. The cost range <br />is $100,000 for a free standing building to $165,000 for a <br />totally earth sheltered structure. This estimate is for the <br />building only, no site work or engineering fees are included, <br />but plumbing and gas fired unit heaters are figured in. The <br />Council agreed Concept "B" is most desirable. Expansion appears <br />easier and the wingwalls can be eliminated by regrading the site <br />to provide the needed support. Entry will be from 42nd Street. <br />There will be two (2) fire bays and three (3) public works bays. <br />These bays will be separated with a masonary wall that could be <br />taken down. There will be two toilets and an access from the <br />mezzanine level. Railings for the 'roof will be additional. <br />Before any final decision TKDA will provide fuel saving cal- <br />culations for Council review. Yard storage, placement of <br />interior walls and sanitary facilities will be discussed at <br />the October 18 meeting. Also landscaping to define fire and <br />maintenance areas. TKDA will draw up alternatives reflecting <br />the Council's concept. The idea of fencing in the maintenance <br />area and site alternatives will be discussed. <br />OLD LANDFILL BUILDING; The Administrator .requested TKDA to review the <br />heating problems in the building and suggest sore improvements <br />for insulation. The estimate is $7,000 with an additional $3,000 <br />if framing for insulation is required. This would be necessary, <br />as there is no way to place and attach new insulation over the <br />old. The architect estimated it would take 10 years to realize <br />the cost effectiveness of this project. No action by the Council. <br />YOUTH SERVICE BUREAU: Dale Fuerstenberg - <br />Pott stated that he feels the Council does not disagree with <br />the value of this service, the question is one of funding it <br />it in an appropriate manner. <br />Officer Fuerestenber_g is not here soliciting funds, but to <br />inform the Council of the advantages of the YSB. This is a <br />very effective tool in dealing with juveniles involved with <br />minor violations, on the other hand, the Courts accomplish <br />little by hand slapping. The Bureau deals with restitution, <br />acts as an alternative method to court, and involves juveniles <br />and their parents in counciling programs. The reaction from <br />the juveniles when police refer them to the Bureau is more <br />favorable. <br />
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