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Minutes, Lake Elmo City Council Special Meeting, September 25, 1979 <br />Councillor Pott convened the meeting at 7:11 p.m. Councillors Nbttaz and Morgan <br />were present. Mayor Amrstrong arrived at 7:15 p.m.; and Councillor Johnson arrived <br />at 7:20 p.m. Administrator Whittaker, Marilyn Banister, and Bob Wier were also present. <br />Back hoe: Advertise for bids <br />Maa.nteazance For ff(liierW presented information on used backhoes; and requested <br />authority to take bids for one. The Council expressed ggqncerns that the City not <br />buy this equipment prematurely. Wier assured them that 1e:kaeping the present backhoe <br />running would cost more than the equipment is worth. Mottaz moved, seconded by Arm- <br />strong, that the Administrator be authorized to advertise for bids for a used backhoe <br />with less than 500 engine hours, not older than four years old, a minimum of 60 hp, <br />that meets the inspection and approval of the Maintenance foreman. Notion carried 5-0. <br />Frozen mains, Lake Elmo Avenue: Whittaker advised the Council that the County <br />would only help repair one of the three water services on Lake Elmo Avenue. The <br />Council agreed to take the County up on their offer; and to advise the other two <br />parties that the City would be repairing their services; and, if the problem was <br />not in the City main, they would be required to pay for the repair. <br />1005, pipe under Lake Jane Trail: The Council agreed to allow the Valley Branch <br />Watershed District to "open -cut Lake Jane Trail to install a second pipe to the <br />pump, if a second pipe is necessary. The Council agreed with Foreman Wier that <br />this would be a more practical solution to the problem of changing from diesel <br />pump to electric pump, from aluminum pipe to plastic pipe; and would cut long-term <br />maintenance costs for project 1005. Johnson moved, seconded by Armstrong, to per- <br />mit the District to cross Lake Jane Trail; and open -cut it if necessary. Motion <br />carried 5-0. <br />Bill to District for 1005: The Council reviewed the bill prepared by Mrs. Banister <br />Tor City expenses for Project 1005. Morgan moved, seconded by Pott, to bill VBWD <br />as indicated on the attached bill; and to advise them that the City would not bill <br />the District for the use of our pipe, storage space or interest on our expenses if <br />the District does not bill the City for costs related to initiation of projects <br />1003 and 1004. (Note: the final bill will include estimated costs through October <br />15, 1979. Motion carried 5-0. <br />201 Engineer: Armstrong moved, seconded by Pott, to rescind the motion designating <br />National Biocentric the engineer for the 201 study; and designating TKDA as the <br />engineer of record for the project. In discussion, the Council was advised that <br />National. Biocentric1had gone out of business. Motion carried 5-0. <br />MAC Airport Zoning: The Council agreed that Mayor Armstrong and Whittaker should <br />serve as the City's representatives to the airport zoning committee established by <br />Resolution at the last Council meeting. <br />Youth Service Bureau: Pott moved, seconded by Armstrong, to appropriate $2,500.00 <br />for the St, Croix Valley Youth Service Bureau for fiscal 1980; withthe assumption <br />that appropriate funding from other agencies will be assured within one year. Johnson <br />moved to amend the motion to include full funding for 1980. Motion died for lack <br />of a second. Vote: 5 Aye, 0 Nay. Carried 5-0. <br />Employee Pay Plan for 1980: Armstrong moved, seconded by Johnson, to adopt the <br />1980 pay plan as recommended by the Administration and Personnel Committee. After <br />considerable discussion, the motion carried 5-0. <br />Administrator's compensation for 1980: After considerable discussion, Morgan moved, <br />secon y Armstrong, to accept e recommen.dation of the Administration/Personnel <br />