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Minutes, Lake Elmo City Council, Sept. 25, 1979 <br />page two <br />Committee. Mottaz moved to amend the motion to reflect an annual salary of $25,000.00, <br />exclude the National ICMA Conference, grant $50.00 per month for expenses, and increase <br />the insurnace allowance to $75.00 per month. The National conference would be dis- <br />cussed each year; and authorization would be on the merits of the conference at the <br />time. Armstrong seconded the motion on the amendment. Pott and Morgan voted Nay; <br />but, amendment carried 3-2. Vote, amended motion: 4-1, carried with Pott voting <br />Nay. <br />Pott moved, seconded by Armstrong, to require the Administrator to attend a seminar kj <br />on engineering for administrators, should one become available, at the City's <br />expense. Motion carried 5-0. <br />EMS, Ambulance Subsidy: The Council agreed that it was not the City's place to sub- <br />sidize EMS services; and instructed the Administrator to write a letter to the County <br />asking them to sutdy the matter further to determine how best to support ambulance <br />service in the County. <br />WATER RATES, 1980: The Council discussed alternative ways to support the water de- <br />partment program in 1980. They agreed they did not want to raise the rates for the <br />third year in a row. Armstrong moved, seconded by Pott, to keep the water rates <br />at the 1979 level in 1980; and to subsidize the water department from the department <br />reserves in 1980. Motion carried 5-0. The department will pay its own way in 1981 <br />through an increase in water rates. <br />NEW PROGRAMS, 1980: The Council took the following action on new programs suggested <br />by the Administrator in his budget: <br />Computers - Council agreed to computerize water bills and general fund accounting <br />Park worker - Council agreed to hold out for Summer Youth employee who was of <br />age; and could operate all equipment. No budget allocation for new worker in 1980 <br />Park Reserves - The Council agreed that there would be no allocation from the <br />general fund for Park Reserves until the current reserves and capital improve- <br />ment fund were substantia-ly depleted <br />Gravel program - Council decreased the allocation to $6,000.00 because of a de- <br />crease in the miles of gravel streets through vacation to the County and im- <br />provement through MSA funds <br />Fire Department Compensation - Council agreed to a compensation package of $5,300 <br />to be distributed to the Firemen based on their formula per call, drill, and run <br />BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS: The Council agreed upon the following changes in the proposed <br />budget: GENERAL GOVERNMENT - <br />Clean-up days - One day in Fall and Spring at landfill, reduce budget to $3,000 <br />Youth Service Bureau - reduce budget to $2,500 <br />Beutel's pond/culvert - to be assessed, no budget allocation <br />Hardy's driveway - to ccune out of 1979 budget <br />Eagle Point improvements - to cane out of general fund, not reserves, add $1,500 <br />to general fund <br />City Hall Lot - to be paid out of sale of City lot on main street <br />ADMINISTRATION - <br />Newsletter - cut budget to $4,000 <br />Office euipment - to be paid out of general fund, add $1,400 to general fund <br />for typewriter, adding machine, and air conditioner <br />Computer - add $3,000 to budget (shown on Administrator's proposed budget and <br />included in his total. <br />