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Minutes, Lake Elmo City Council, Sept. 25, 1979 <br />page three <br />Budget Adjustments, continued <br />SURFACE WATER - The Council agreed this would become a funded Program in 1981 <br />and that expenses in this area in 1980 would be recorded in this fund (i.e. <br />Eagle Point Improvements, engineering for these problems, etc.) <br />STREETS - <br />Misc. Expense - clothes - Banister to check actual amount needed to pay this <br />(Note: $132 per man, left at $400 in final budget recommendation 10/2/79) <br />Garage rental - deducted $300 as we will only rent this for 6 months <br />Building Reserve - $6,000 from Street fund will go to budget reserve for new <br />maintenance building. $36,000 from the Maintenance Equipment Reserve will <br />be transfered to the Building Reserve also. <br />(Note: Equipment certificates will be purchased, if need be, to keep up approved <br />equipment levels this reserve supports.) <br />Gravel - Reduced to $6,000 <br />Maintenance Equipment Reserve - Increase by $2,000 to $17,000 total, from 1980 funds. <br />PUBLIC SAFETY - <br />Animal Control - The Council asked the administrator to negotiate for fewer <br />hours with Oakdale to reduce costs; and to collect payments from Cimarron, if <br />possible. Budget left at same rate. <br />Fire Department - Compensation allocated as approved earlier in the meeting <br />Building Reserves - Was reduced from $10,000 to $4,000 - balance to come from <br />Street Department. An additional $24,000 from the Fire Equipment Reserve to <br />be appropriated to the Buildng Reserve for the new Maintenance/Fire Bldg. <br />Balance of $60,000 needed to come from Maintenance Equipment Reserve. <br />EMS - Budget nothing. The City will not subsidize Stillwater Ambulance <br />PARKS - <br />Extra man - cut from budget <br />Park Reserve - cut from budget <br />WATER DEPT. - Changed as indicated earlier in these minutes. <br />REVENUES - The following policies will be enforced to generate additional <br />revenue: <br />1. The rates for ballfield lights will be. raised to offset costs <br />2. Water rates will. be raised in 1981 to support the department, in full <br />3. The City will try to reduce animal control to keep costs constant or lower <br />than 1979 expenditures <br />RESERVES - The appropriations from Fire and Maintenance Equipment Reserves <br />will go to the Building Reserve to cover costs of the new Maintenance/Fire, Bldg. <br />at West Sunfish Park on 42nd St. <br />Surplus revenues from 1979 will be appropriated to the Budget reserve, the <br />Administrative and Council contingencies, and to clear up deficit in Maintenance <br />euipment reserve. <br />The balance on the necessary Building Reserve will come from Administrative <br />reserve and the Diseased Treet reserve will be eliminated - also to go to Building <br />reserve. $20,000 from the Emergency Road Maintenance reserve will also go to <br />the Building Reserve. <br />Mottaz reported that the City should adopt an Ordinance permitting elm wood storage <br />from Spet. 15 to April 1. The Council agreed. it will be in the 1979 Code. <br />Meeting adjourned at 11:30 p.m. <br />