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CITY OF LAKE ELMO, CITY COUNCIL MIE;TING, September 4, T979 <br />( Mayor Armstrong convened the meeting at 7:30 p.m. <br />Councilors in attendance: Morgan, Johnson, Pott, Mottaz (7:45), also Administrator <br />Whittaker and Engineer Bohrer. <br />AGNEDA: Additions - Yield Signs in Tablyn Park II, hours correction on Limitations <br />on Boats and Boating, Sunfish Park gate repair, Lions Park ballfield, and <br />City policy concerning wood removal on City streets and in City Parks, <br />also announcements from the Administrator. <br />Armstrong moved, seconded by Morgan, to approve the agenda as amended. <br />Motion carried 4-0. <br />MINUTES: August 21, 1979 - Correction page 4, paragraph 2, Irvin Court Drainage - <br />........ Either the developer or the City should pay their cost. As <br />much as $3,000 will be assessed. <br />Armstrong moved, seconded by Morgan, to approve the minutes of August 21, <br />1979, as amended. Motion carried 4-0. <br />August 7, 1979 - Correction page 4, paragraph 5, Flood Damage Quotes - <br />..... One quote received. T. A. Schifsky bid $2,575. <br />Morgan moved, seconded by Armstrong, to amend the minutes of August 7, <br />1979. Motion carried 4--0. <br />CLAIMS: Morgan moved, seconded by Armstrong, to approve Claims 79549 thru 79582 <br />and add the Administrator's Expense Account. Motion carried 4-0. <br />COUNCIL RETORTS: <br />*Correction 9/16/79 A. Pott - Relief Association Accounting - Pott would like the City <br />Delete - an hour per to pe�the Basic accounting Tr-tHe Fireman°s Relief Association. <br />Xuarter and 1110 hourdie feels this would take about*an hour per quarter. <br />per year." <br />Morgan moved, seconded by Armstrong, to authorize Marilyn Banister to <br />do the books for the Fireman's Relief Association. Motion carried 5-0. <br />Yield Si in Tablyn Park II - Pott has received a call concerning <br />ra is coming OUT, 01 THEyn Park II, at 27th Street and Ironwood. <br />The Council agreed to wait and see how much traffic is generated once <br />the new development is complete, before making any decision on traffic <br />control. <br />B. Morggan - Park Shelter - Morgan suggested the shelter be rebid by <br />Toca%on�ractors and then have the Park Commission decide on the <br />contractor. The Park Commission will meet next Wednesday to firm up <br />the specifications. <br />Pott moved, seconded by Armstrong, to approve letting bids to local <br />contractors for the Park Shelter. Motion carried 4-0. v) <br />�,ti <br />Seeler Land Sale - Morgan inspected the property. He said it was a <br />nice piece OT property, but did not feel the City was in a financial <br />position to purchase it. <br />Mottaz moved, seconded by Armstrong, to request Valley Branch Watershed <br />to consider purchase of, or acquistion of drainage easements on, this <br />property around Sunfish Lake. Motion carried 4-0. <br />