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CITY COUNCIL MINUTES, September 4, 1979 <br />-2- <br />Sunfish Park Gate — The gate g)ing down to the valley at Sunfish Park <br />was van ize organ requests the maintenance department repair it <br />as soon as possible and put a cable across immediately, as an interm <br />measure. <br />Lions Park — The ball diamond has been reoriented. <br />Wood Cutting — Morgan stated the Park Commission is opposed to residents <br />cutting wood in the City Parks. Residents would be allowed to cut <br />wood along City streets and park boulevards with a permit signed by <br />either the Forester or Building Inspector. <br />Morgan moved, seconded by Mottaz, to give permits free of charge to <br />residents wanting to take down dead trees on City boulevards. The <br />permit holder will sign a waiver releasing the City of all liability <br />and will also be responsible for removing debris and cleaning up the <br />cutting site. He will also be responsible for debarking and stump <br />removal for diseased elms. Motion carried 5-0. <br />C. Committee Schedule <br />Surface Water — The Administrator will meet with Morgan and Pott at <br />on ep ember 11. <br />Final Salary Review — The Administrator will meet with Armstrong and <br />Johnson a p.m. on September 11. <br />D. 622 Community Education — Morgan volunteered to attend the meetings <br />5`r is r1c ; but in cated he may not be able to attend regularly. <br />OLD BUSINESS: <br />A. Pechan Variance — Maynard Eder presented the Council with a letter <br />giving e ac round of the Pechan property, dating back to 1972. He <br />stated his objections to this request in the letter that will become <br />a part of these minutes. Ed Stevens, an adjoining property owner, also <br />read a statement opposing the request. Armstrong stated that neither <br />the Pechan or Hartman home would have gotten a permit had the ordinance <br />been followed. A subdivision of this area had been proposed and approved,. <br />but never recorded. Pott said this request is a question of roads. <br />Armstrong said there is, no hardship to the land in this case. Mr. Eder <br />indicated he is not interested in selling an additional 33 ft., to pro— <br />vide for alignment of Keats. Pott said no variance would be needed <br />if Keats were dedicated and a cul—de—sac were put in between the <br />Hartman and Pechan property. The site for the third residence would <br />be about 6 acres. <br />Armstrong moved, seconded by Morgan, to deny this request for variance <br />for the following reasons: 1. The road occupied by and utilized by <br />Mr. Pechan and Mr. Hartman, although on an easement, is not on a street <br />that meets City standards. 2. The road to the third lot would be <br />another extension of a driveway —street which is not up to City standards; <br />and, the lot would not abut on a City street even if Keats were dedicated <br />and improved. 3. There is no observable hardship to the land. The <br />land could be subdivided within the Ordinance. The City Council would <br />reconsider this request if a subdivision plat were proposed. Motion <br />carried 4 1; Mottaz opposed. (Note: Subdivision Ordinance requires <br />platting streets to full right—of—way width and improving to City <br />standards.) <br />