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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MEETING, JANUARY 15, 1.980 <br />Mayor Armstrong convened the meeting at 5:25 P.M. with the following Councillors <br />present: Morgan,and Mottaz. Carol Jeanne Novak was shown in by the City <br />Administrator; and took her seat with the City Council. Administrator Whittaker <br />was also present. <br />AGENDA: Whittaker indicated that the Slawson and Deneen matters would not be <br />heard; and that Cimarron's rezoning request had been referred to the <br />Council by the Planning Commission. He requested that bus shelters, <br />and an on -sale Sunday liquor license for the VFW be added to the Agenda; <br />and that the Council consider the City position on acquisition of homes <br />along the west side of Lake Elmo Avenue south of Lake Elmo for the <br />Regional Park. <br />Morgan moved, seconded by Mottaz, that the Agenda be approved as amended. <br />Motion carried 4-0. <br />MINUTES: Morgan moved, seconded by Mottaz, that the December 11, 1979, City <br />Council minutes be amended to reflect the adopting, rather than the <br />drafting, of Resolution 79-57; and that the minutes of the January 2, <br />1980, City Council meeting be adopted as written. Motion carried 3-0-1, <br />with Novak abstaining. <br />CLAIMS: The Council agreed that TKDA should be paid a total of $8300 for all <br />work related to the design, construction, and inspection of the Fire <br />Mall Addition, based on splitting the difference between the total billed, <br />$9,685.13, and the amount that would have been billed at twelve percent <br />of the total construction cost. <br />Morgan moved, seconded by Armstrong, that claims 79952 thru 79974, <br />including the TKDA bill; and, the 2/1/80 payroll and the Administrator's <br />claims for reimbursement of expenses for the Valley Trophy Center and <br />Marco Polo's dinner for Michael Johnson, be approved. Motion carried, <br />4-0. <br />CHRISTMAS TIGHTS: The Council instructed the Administrator to seek donations for <br />the installation of the Christmas lights from the businessmen in the <br />Old Village area. <br />BUIIDING INSPLCTOR: The Council agreed that the City should advertise the vacancy, <br />take applications, and interview at least the top three candidates for <br />the position of Building Inspector. Whittaker and Dave Pokorney, <br />Administrator in Mahtomed.i, will screen the applications and. a committee <br />of the two Councils will conduct final interviews. <br />Armstrong moved, seconded by Mottaz, to accept the resignation of Peter <br />Kluegel as Building Inspector, effective January 18, 1980, authorize <br />the Administrator to advertise for applications for the position, and <br />appoint Mayor Armstrong and Councillor Pott to the joint committee to <br />interview the top applicants on February 9, 19809 at 9:00 a.m, in the <br />.Lake Elmo City Hall. Motion carried l4-O. <br />The Council aF:reed to include sewer inspection in the :job description, <br />- seek a two year contract with the new inspector, and, provide for 60 days <br />notice from the new inspector while providing FO day reverence pay and <br />a hearing for dismissal. <br />