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01-15-80 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
01-15-80 CCM
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MIAMTES, LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL, JANUARY 1,5, 1980 Pane 2 <br />BUILDING INSPECTOR: Armstrong moved, seconded by Mottaz, to pay Peter Kluepel 80%, <br />of the permit fees for all permits taken out after January .18, 1930, <br />until. t^e new inspector starts working for the cities, as total com- <br />peneation for all reviews, inspections, and expenses. Motion carried II-0. <br />HEALTH AND LIFE INSURANCE: Whittaker explained that the group health and. <br />€Troup life insurance program sponsored by the Leamie of Minnesota Cities <br />would coat the per employee costs of the City and greatly, reduce the <br />premiums paid by the employees; but would cost the Citr an additional <br />$5.04 in insurance premiums in 1980. FIe encoaratred the Colzncil to adopt; <br />[.he Leapue plan, as it provides equal or better coverage at PTeat <br />savings to City employees. <br />Mottaz moved, seconded by Morgan, that the City adopt: Resolution 80-6, <br />1 a Resolution adipt:up• the League of Minnesota Cities Insurance Trust <br />Agreement; for the Group Medical and Group Life Insurance Plan, and to <br />pay tie difference in premium. Motion carried4-0. <br />T.fie Council adjourned. to Marco Polo's for dinner at, 5:55 P.M. <br />e N;, , - G <br />`.Phe Council reconvened in the City Bell at ?:�)2 p.m. Councilman Pott in attendance <br />B.EALMEIN REQUEST: Mr, Everett Beaubein requested Council approval in order to cor— <br />rect the legal descriptions of land parcels belonginp to his daughter <br />and him. The parcels were divided four years ago, approved by the <br />Council, and registered at the City Office. The legal descriptions <br />were recorded on the wrong parcels. Mr.. Beaubein stated this was an <br />error on the part of the City Attorney. Die to a chantm in the law <br />it is necessary for Mr. Beaubein to obtain City Council approval to file, <br />the corrected deeds and transfer title to the correct owners, <br />Armstrong moved, seconded by Morgan, to approve the signatures on the <br />Beaubein deeds thus allowing them to be filed with the County Recorder. <br />These are corrective deeds, with the Council permitting transfer of title, <br />but not: attesting to the buildability of the parcels or boundary lines, <br />Motion carried 5-0. <br />At such time as parcel A would be sold the City would have the authority <br />to place restrictions on the buildability of the lot. <br />JERRY SCHI)PSKY — FOXFIRE ROTATES: The Council requested Mr. Sohifsky come in <br />and the discuss the problems with the gate at -the south of Boxfire <br />and the stone pillars that are on City right—of—way. <br />Mr. Schifsky explained that the placement and. construction of the gate <br />met with the Engineer's approval. Since that time the fence on either side <br />of the gate has been vandalized and cars are, again using this for <br />access to Highway 36. Mr. Schifsky suggested boulders be placed on <br />C either side of the gate. This met with. Council. agreement, and a motion <br />of approval will be given when the Engineer and Nilding Inspector have <br />given their approval. <br />Mr. Schifsky requested release of hi.s $5000 bond. The final condition <br />of the Engineer, removing the brush pile, has been completed. Mayor <br />Armstrong questioned the pillars and. the City's liability since they <br />are on City right—of—way. Mr. Schifsky stated Foxfire oarrie 1 million> <br />dollars in liability, with a 1 million dollar umbrella. Also, his <br />carrier advised him responsibility lies with the individual if he leaves <br />the roadway. Ile stated they will carry a separate flyer, if necessary, <br />until the final lot is sold, <br />
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