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MINUTES, LAKE ELMO CI'W COUNCIL, JANUARY 15, 1980 Page 3 <br />SCHIPSKY: The City is concerned with the safety and liability factor once <br />Mr. Schifsky is no longer involved with Poxfire. Schifsky said <br />speed limit sighs should be posted. <br />Mottaz asked the City's position on construction being done without <br />permits; and, once completed, the City being coerced into accepting <br />the project merely because it is there. Mayor Armstrong agreed; but <br />felt if Mr. Sehifsky could provide the City with a hold -harmless <br />agreement, with the City named as an insured on the policy, then this <br />question could be tabled for one year, At that time$ Mr. Schifsky <br />would ,provide the City with a plan to improve the safety that meets ,the <br />Engineer's approval, andswer the Cityts liability question, or remove <br />the pillars. <br />Armstrong moved, seconded by Pott, that the bond for Poxfire be dropped <br />to $750 provided the boulders placed on either side of the gate meet the <br />Engineers and Btillding Inspectors approval, the bzush pile removed, and <br />$750 be retained for future solution regarding the pillars. Motion <br />carried 5-0. <br />Pott suggested insurance quotations be obtained on this item. Sohifsky <br />will have his agent send the City a letter outlining his coverage and <br />what additional coverage will be necessary, if any, for ,just the pillars. <br />The Administrator will verify what additional coverage the City would <br />need to cover these pillars. This will be referred back to the City <br />Attorney, <br />LANES DEMONTREVILLF - HEAR.INGt The Administrator noted an additional correction, <br />that portion west of Lake Shore Drive right-of-way has been vacated oxi <br />both Bennett and Mack, thereby, preventing Bennett and Mack from <br />joining the current Kill Trail North, %he Council proposes vacating <br />Mack from the intersection of Lake Shore Drive through Argyle. Argyle <br />would be vacated. to the north of lot 343 to the bottom of lot 324. <br />Bennett would be vacated between Lake Shore Drive to the east line of <br />lot 62. <br />Mr, .D,armon Jones is opposed to the proposed vacation. Be prefers <br />Mack be kept open for access to his property and property his is <br />proposing to buy. The Administrator explained this proposal vacates <br />the greatest street area, while still providing access to all affected <br />property owners. Mr. Jones questioned why the City is vacating any of <br />these streets. Mayor Armstrong replied the City was petitioned to <br />vacate these streets and this proposal was the most reasonable. Pott <br />suggested. the Council react to the petitions and let the residents involved <br />present an alternate proposal if the petitions are denied. <br />Pott moved, seconded by Mottaz, to deny both petitions for street <br />vacations in Lanes DeMontreville Country Club. Motion carried J4-1, <br />Armstrong voting nay, <br />CIMARRON REZONING: Mr. Stephen Taylor reviewed the request for rezoning Tract 1 <br />and Tract 2 to General Business. Mayor Armstrong read the recommendation <br />of the Planning Commission for approval and their conditions. A <br />representative of Brook's Supperette presented the proposed site plan. <br />(- Armstrong moved., seconded by Pott, to rezone Tract 2 to General Business, <br />Tract 1 to he rezoned General Business provided the conditions set by <br />the Planning Commission are met and the County Engineer review and <br />approve the traffic flow. Construction on Tract 1 must take place <br />within the next nine months or said property will be returned to cur- <br />rent zoning, Ordinance 7901'adopted by a 5-0 vote. <br />