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Tract 2. That: part of the Northwest % of Section 36, <br />Township 29, Range 21, Washington County, Minnesota, <br />described as follows: Commencing at the northwest <br />corner of said Northwest n; thence on an assumed <br />bearing of South, along the west line of said <br />Northwest n, a distance of 270.00 feet to the actual <br />point of beginning; thence N 89046'00" E, 275.50 <br />feet; thence on a tangential curve to the right for <br />a distance of 68.81 feet radius of said curve is <br />130.39 feet; thence S 60600'00" E, a distance of 18.97 <br />feet; thence on a tangential curve to the right for <br />a distance of 295.12 feet, radius of said curve is <br />528.47 feet; thence on a reverse curve a distance of <br />284.72 feet, radius of said curve; is 1150.90 feet; <br />thence S 42 10'41" E tangent to last described curve, <br />46.36 feet; thence S 47049'19" W, a distance of 92.78 <br />feet; thence on a tangential curve to the left, a <br />distance of 227.22 feet, radius of said curve is <br />21-4.11 feet; thence on a bearing of West, not tangent <br />to last described curve, 199.00 feet; thence deflect <br />to the right 50000100" a distance of 495.00 feet; thence <br />on a bearing of West to the west line of said North- <br />west ,; thence on a bearing of North, along said west <br />line, to the actual point of beginning. Subject to <br />Country Road No. 17 and other easements of record, <br />if any. <br />Section 2. Effective Date. This ordinance shall take <br />effect and be in force from and after its passage and publica- <br />tion according to law. <br />Passed by the City Council this 14th day of January, 1980. <br />Thomas G. Armstrong, Mayor <br />Attest: <br />/ r I <br />Laurence WhittakEr, City Administrator <br />- 2 <br />