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MINUTES, LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL, JANUARY 15. 1980 Page 4 <br />CIMARRON, Armstrong moved, seconded by Morgan, to approve the Minor Subdivision <br />of Tract 1 and Tract 2 subject to the ordinance requirements being <br />ful-filled, central water and sewer are provided to Tract I and permanent <br />access easements be obtained. Resolution 80-'7-adopted by a 5-0 vote. <br />Site and building plan approval will be reviewed when application for a <br />building permit is made. The Council approved the site plan concept, <br />The Administrator will send a letter listing all the specific re- <br />quirements needed. <br />RIDGEWAY DRIVE: Two residents, Mr, Olson and Mr. Kaeold, are willing to pay <br />the $308 fee for vacating Ridgeway Drive. Mr. Kaufold stated he has <br />contacted the majority of the property owners and five residents are <br />willing to pay their share. The two residents at the end of Ridgeway <br />Drive gain very little property and feel the cost is hieber than the <br />benefit, Armstrong recommended vacating all but the area abutting the <br />City Park (the area adjacent to the last two lots). The City will <br />incorporate this portion into Tablyn Park. Vacation costs on -these <br />parceplo will come out of the Park Budget. All of Ridgeway Drive will <br />be vacated. except -the last two parcels. <br />Pott moved, seconded by Armstrong, to adopt Resolution 80- $, vacating <br />Ridgeway Drive, and repeal Resolution 78-28. Motion carried 4-Owl, <br />Novak abstained. <br />VDWD - PROJFUT 1005 AND REGIONAL PARK COMMENTS: The Administrator asked the <br />Council approval to include interest on the bill for pass -through <br />costs to Valley Branch, The Council, decided to charge 101/6 interest <br />on all, unpaid bills. <br />The Administrator will send. a letter to the Valley Branch Watershed <br />stating the City of Lake Elmo supports their position on the Regional <br />Park. <br />GARY SWANSON - WASHINGTON COUNTY DEPUTY: Deputy Swanson asked the hours that <br />Brooks Superetto would be open. He felt there could be some juvenile <br />problems. <br />He also asked the Council to draft an ordinance relating to 48 hour <br />parking on residential streets. The ordinance would provide) any <br />vehicle left on a. residential street, without being moved .for over <br />48 hours is subject to being tagged and towed. <br />Armstrong moved, seconded by Pott, to have the Administrator draft <br />an ordinance regulating maximum 48 hour parking on residential streets. <br />Motion carried 5-0. This will be ready for the next meeting. <br />CONSERVENCY REGULATION PROPOSALSt The Council reviewed the Plannerfs letter out- <br />lining the alternatives for surveying wetlands, The Planning Commission <br />recommended Alternative 2 or 3. <br />Morgan moved, seconded by Mottaz, to approve Alternate 1. Motion carried <br />4-1. Novak voting nay. Novak felt the City should either spend the <br />maximum to identify'the wetland areas and utberthe information as a <br />tool in solving Lake Elmole chronic wetland problems or reject all the <br />alternatives. Alternative 1 is not enough and oonsiders this money <br />ill spent. The City has access to the maps in Alternative I now. <br />