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02-19-80 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
02-19-80 CCM
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MINUTES, LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL FEBRUARY 19, 1980 <br />page three <br />(Winter Pumping, continued) <br />respect to the District's employee, and the procedures to handle pumping <br />in the future. The Council and Managers agreed. <br />Mottaz moved, seconded by Armstrong, that the pumping continue, the <br />trails be roped off and marked -by the City crew at the expense of the <br />District, and that the hazardous trails be closed. Hedges said he <br />had some signs the City could use. Vote- Motion carried 4-1 with <br />Morgan voting Nay. <br />DINNER BREAK- The Council recessed for dinner at 6-h.p p.m. and reconvened at <br />7-37 p.m. <br />ENGINEER'S REPORT: <br />A. Larry Bohrer explained that the Fire Hall Addition met with his <br />final approval; and requested the Council approve the final change <br />order, authorize final payment, and accept the Fire Hall Addition. <br />Morgan moved, seconded by Armstrong, to approve change order ##3, <br />accept the Fire Hall Addition, and approve the final payment. Motion <br />carried 5--0. <br />B. Traffic counts - Bohrer explained that the City would have to <br />administer some 20 counts every 2 years in order to meet MSA guidelines. <br />Whittaker advised'.hhe Council he had purchased 4 counters from Mn/DOT <br />surplus for $20,00; and that the City would need anchors, cables, and <br />batteries to have operating counters. The Council agreed this was <br />a reasonable investment. <br />C. After Bohrer explained the concerns of the DNR about Beutel's Pond <br />outlet and Eagle Point Lake dike, the Council instructed the Administrator <br />to contact the County to encourage them to construct a controlled out- <br />let on the lake as part of the Regional Park improvements. The City <br />will have to wait for the DNR to respond to the Beutel's Pond request <br />before taking final action. <br />D. Bond Reductions - <br />1. Mottaz moved, seconded by Armstrong, to adopt RESOLUTION 80-9, <br />reducing the bond for Brookman's Addition to $4,000. Motion carried 5-0. <br />2. Armstrong moved, seconded by Morgan, to adopt RESOLUTION 80-102 <br />reducing the bond for Eden Park Second Addition to $11,000.00. Motion <br />carried 5-0- <br />E. Soil Borings - Morgan moved, seconded by Mottaz, to authorize the <br />City Engineer up to $600.00 for soil borings for 1980 MSA projects, <br />to be performed by the County Engineer. Motion carried 5-0. <br />F. Foxfire monuments - Mottaz moved, seconded by Novak, to instruct <br />Schifsky to remove the monuments. In discussion, both agreed to amend <br />the motion to provide that the monuments could stay if the property <br />around them was deeded to the City, guard rails were installed, and <br />these met the requirements of the City Engineer. Schifsky would either <br />remove them or meet these conditions under the motion. Motion carried <br />5-0. <br />Armstrong moved, seconded by Morgan, to release the remaining $750,00 <br />bond after the guard rail has been installed and accepted, or the monuments <br />are removed. Motion carried 5-0. <br />
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