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MINUTES, LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL February 19, 1980 <br />page four <br />(Engineer's report, continued: G.) <br />1-94 FRONTAGE ROADS: Armstrong indicated the church did not want the <br />access road to continue around the Guardian Angels cemetery. The <br />Council agreed it was unnecessary. <br />Armstrong moved, seconded by Mottaz, to hold a Special City Council <br />meeting March 12, 1980, at 7:30 P.M. in the Guardian Angels Church, <br />Rm 2, for the purpose of conducting a public hearing on the noise <br />barriers and frontage road design along I-94. Motion carried 5-0. <br />Miscellaneous Items: Bohrer reported that Mn//DOT intends to redesignate <br />Trunk•. Highway 212 from T.H. 36 to Stillwater, T.H. 36; and call <br />it T.H. 5 within Lake Elmo. <br />He also advised the Council that the City may have to acquire <br />additional right—of—way for the M.S.A. street improvements to <br />Beats, Julep, 45th, and 47th. The Council agreed this should <br />be included in the feasibility study, a cost estimate provided, <br />and a decision made at that time how to acquire it. <br />FOXFIRE GATES: Several property owners from the area along Jane Road <br />North reiterated their conviction that the gate should stay; and <br />the road should be open to emergency vehicles only. The Council <br />decided a survey of all property owners is not necessary at this <br />time; the gate should stays the street sign should be removed; <br />and a larger chain should be used, if necessary, to keep down <br />the vandalism. <br />PLANNING COMMISSION REPORT: <br />A. The Planning Commission needs half —section map and a larger <br />plat map to complete the non —conforming lot study. Pott moved, <br />seconded by Armstrong, that the City buy the necessary maps, at <br />and approximate cost of $55.00. Motion carried 5-0. <br />B. The Council discussed speed problems on Hwy. 212 with Dale <br />Furstenberg; and agreed that no study of the speed zone was <br />necessary at this time. \, <br />C. Whittaker advised the Council that the Planning Commission <br />is reviewing the old highway plans for the City and considering <br />a new over—all highway plan, which would, at least, identify future <br />collectors. <br />D. Oakdale Comp. Plan — The Council expressed the following con— <br />cerns about the draft comprehensive plan for the City of Oakdale: <br />1. The proposed commercial area north of 40th street does <br />not appear to mix well with adjacent uses in Lake Elmo, which <br />area primarily large lot non—sewered residential areas; <br />2. Improvement of 40th street to a full four lanes to Olsen <br />Lake Trail could pose problems on that street. The Council <br />would prefer traffic be directed to 1-694, possibly be narrowing <br />the road to two lanes as it approaches Olsen Lake Trail. <br />3. The Council believes the collector between 10th and County <br />Road 6 would serve development in Oakdale primarily; and should, <br />therefore, be entirely within Oakdale. <br />