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P <br />ORDINANCE NO. 7905 <br />CITY OF TAKE E:LMO <br />WASHI:NGTON COUNTY, MINNESOTA <br />AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 1300 Or THE 1979 MUNICIPAL <br />CODE OP LAKE; ELMO. <br />The City Council of the City of Lake Elmo ordains: <br />Section 1. Amendment. Section 1300 of the 1979 Municipal <br />Code of the City of Lake Elmo is hereby amended by adding <br />Section 1303 thereof to read as follows: <br />1303.030 Purpose. It is the purpose of this Ordinance <br />to preclude trapping except where specifically approved <br />by the landowner. <br />1303.020 Violations. It shall be unlawful to: <br />a. Set traps within the City of Lake Elmo without the <br />written permission of the fee owner or contract <br />purchaser of the real property upon which the traps <br />are to be set. Permission from a tenant or person <br />holding any other interest in the real property is <br />not valid. <br />b. To set:, traps in any park or other public property <br />except for public purposes upon order of: the <br />governmental body responsible for or owning the <br />real property. <br />c. To place any trap within five hundred (500) feet <br />of a building occupied by human beings, livestock or <br />domestic animals, without permission of the owner <br />of said building. <br />d. To place traps within two hundred (200) feet of a <br />public right-of-way for roads. <br />e. To set or place traps which do not have the trapper's <br />name and either his address or his driver's license <br />