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I <br />number etched onto the trap or onto a metal tag which <br />is welded, brazed or soldered to the trap or affixed to <br />the trap with a tightly twisted wire or solid metal <br />ring. <br />f. To set or place traps within fifty (50) feet of the <br />shoreline of any lake, swamp, stream or other public <br />water. <br />1303.030. Permission. The written permission must contain <br />a statement alf-o-w-I-Ag-"the trapper to place his traps, and <br />a. be signed by the fee owner or contract purchaser, <br />b. dated within six (6) months, and <br />C. contain a drawing map or diagram showing the boundaries <br />of the landowner's real property. <br />1303.040. Penalty . Any person, firm or corporation violating <br />the provisioR"if-this Ordinance shall be guilty of a <br />misdemeanor. <br />1303.050. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall take <br />effect and Fe-'Uh—F-F&J-7-rom and after its passage and <br />publication, as provided by law. <br />Adopted by the City Council of the City of Lake Elmo <br />this 4th day of March, 1980. <br />ATTEST: <br />LaurenceFT—.Whittaker <br />City Administrator <br />4om-as G. Armstrong, May - or --,— <br />-2- <br />