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CITY OF LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MEETING, APRIL 15, 1980 <br />In the absence of Mayor Armstrong, Councilman Pott convened the meeting at <br />j•:0$ p.m. with Councillors Morgan. and Novak present. Administrator Whittaker <br />also present. Mottaz (5:12) and Armstrong (5:45) <br />AGENDA: Whittaker request the Council add an addition interview for the <br />Planning Commission, schedule a hearing on the.Deneen Variance <br />and add the following to the Administrator's Report: two additional <br />Licenses, the Sign Ordinance, the Energy Coordinator, the 'question <br />of a Church on the Lundquist Property at Co. 17 & Hwy. 36, and the <br />State Conference. Pott requested the Council add the CB Radios <br />under Council Reports. <br />Morgan moved, seconded by Novak to approve the agenda as amended. <br />Motion carried 3-0. <br />MINUTES: Novak moved, seconded by Morgan, to approve the minutes of the <br />April 1, 1980, City Council meeting with the following corrections: <br />Paragraph E, page 6, the motion should read to adopt Ordinance 7909; <br />under Paragraph F it should indicate that these taxes will be abated <br />from 1973 on. Motion carried 4-0. Councillor Mottaz arrived at 5:12 p.m. <br />CLAIMS: Morgan moved, seconded by Mottaz to approve Claims 80172 thru 80228. <br />Motion carried 4-0. <br />BACKHOE BIDS: The Council reviewed all the bids and discussed the options and <br />decided the extend —a —hoe was a good investment in light of the bids. <br />Mottaz moved, seconded by Novak, to accept the bid from Carlson <br />Tractor and Equipment for a 1979, Ford 555, with extend —a —hoe, <br />for $21,238 with a one year warranty. Motion carried 4-0. <br />Mayor Armstrong arrived at 5:45 <br />CABLE TV: Don Raleigh explained the service areas around Lake Elmo. He said <br />because of Lake Elmo's sparse population only a portion of the City <br />could be serviced within the next three to four years. He advised <br />the Council that before making, any decision on Cable TV they <br />should request a representative of the Minnesota Cable Board come <br />out and explain the options. The Council agreed. The Administrator <br />will send a letter to White Bear Lake stating Lake Elmo is not <br />interested in joining any cable service area at this time. <br />BROCKMAN ADDITION DITCH: Don Raleigh, Kelly Brockman, Larry Bohrer, and Larry <br />Whittaker met to discuss solving the drainage ditch problem along <br />Highway 5 (212). All agreed the ditch should be constructed. <br />The Brookman developers will contact Mn/DOT and request they do <br />the work ( the State has done all the surrounding ditch work in <br />this area). If Mn/DOT will not do the ditching the developers will <br />take responsibility. Any assistance the City can offer to encourage <br />Mn/DOT to complete this work will be appreciated. Mr. Raleigh also <br />stated when the City develops a Surface Water Plan, they expect this <br />r work to be recognized as a contribution against any assessment. <br />VALLEY BRANCH WATERSHED DISTRICT PETITION 1006: Councilman Pott restated <br />his opposition to vote on any petition to the Watershed District. <br />Councilman Pott left the meeting at 5:50 p.m. <br />Armstrong briefly explained the project and stated Valley Branch <br />has assured the petitioners no more than $30,000 will be spent to <br />determine if this project will be, cost effective. <br />