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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MEETING MAY 20, 1980 <br />Councilman Pott called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m. Councillors present: Novak, <br />and Mottaz. Mayor Armstrong arrived at 5:45 p.m. Also present, Administrator Whittaker, <br />Absent: Morgan. <br />AGENDA: Delete - Resolution to Scouts. Additions - Engineer's Report - Mini -Audits <br />and DeMontreville Access Right -of -Way Ordinance. Miscellaneous - Brick for <br />Maintenance Building, Park Shelter_ Wotes,on Septic System and Ballfield <br />Deposits for Little League Teams. <br />Mottaz moved, seconded by Novak, to approve the agenda as amended. Motion <br />carried 3-0. <br />MINUTES: April 159 1980 - Novak moved, seconded by Mottaz to approve the minutes of <br />April 15, 1980. Motion carried 3-0. <br />May 6, 1980 - Mottaz moved, seconded by Novak, to approve the minutes of <br />May 6, 1980. Motion carried 3-0. <br />The Council agreed to clear the tapes on the Trapping Ordinance. <br />CLAIMS: Additions - Bill Eder - $124*99 and Joe O'Brien Chevrolet - $89876.93 (1-ton <br />truck). <br />Mottaz moved, seconded by Navak, to approve Claims 80272 thru 803081 including <br />the two additions. Motion carried 3-0- <br />CABLE TV: Vikki Long, Minnesota Cable Board Representative, answered questions from <br />the Council on service areas, exclusive franehises, school district boundaries <br />and Lake Plmo's risks if thoy choose to do nothing at this time. <br />The Administrator asked what has been decided concerning Comarron's request <br />to construct an antennae. Ms. Long said a letter from their organization <br />will be forthcoming. She did indicate the process to franchise cable TV' <br />may have to be completed on the request, in order for Cimarron to do what <br />they propose. <br />Mottaz suggested Lake Elmo initiate no action to be included in a cable area <br />at this time. The Council agreed. <br />FIRE COMMITTED': Administrator Whittaker reviewed the findings and recommendations Cr <br />the Fire Committee and explained their reasons necessitating the purchase <br />of the tele-squirt truck. The Committee met with over-all agreement on tke <br />proposed. plan. <br />Mottaz moved, seconded by Pott, to delay action on the plan until Councilman <br />Morgan can review the findings. Motion carried 4-0. Mayor Armstrong <br />commended the Fire Committee members for their time and energy on the <br />Committee. <br />BUDGET, QUARTERLY REPORT AND 1979 AUDIT: Marilyn Banister reviewed the quarterly <br />report and the 1979 audit with the Counoil. .Armstrong recommended the % <br />Of monies expended be shown. The Administrator said the Reserves will have <br />to be reassigned after the Telesquirt Truck bids are in. This amount should <br />not be incorporated with the Reserves budgeted for the Maintenance Building. <br />