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LAKE ELMO BOARD Or REVIEW, JUNE 4, 1980 <br />-3- <br />13. Ray Krueger Plate 37011-2050 <br />Estimated Value - $85,975 37011-2100 <br />Asked the procedume for a wetland exemption. The Assessor advised he will <br />have to make an application for such an exemption at the County. <br />ACTION: None <br />14. Gilbert Sullwold Plate 37002-2400-2350 <br />Estimated Value - $79,850 - $4,080 37011-2950-3000 <br />$10,350 - $ 570 <br />Questioned the repeal of the Limited Market Value. The Assessor explained. <br />ACTION: None <br />15, Elmer Richert 9219 45th Street Plate 37010-0900 <br />Estimated Value - $51,460 <br />Questioned the increase. Assessor explained the over-all percentage increase. <br />Mr. Richert would also like his address changed to Lake Jane Trail. He will <br />have to go to the County Office to have this done. <br />ACTION: None <br />16. Raymond Cochran 5W40 Hilltop Plate 37162-2425 <br />Estimated Value - $77,595 <br />Questioned the percent of increase in valuation. The Assessor explained <br />the blanket percentage increase, <br />ACTION': None <br />17. William Herzfeld Plate 37024-2850 <br />Estimated Value - $17,280 37024 3050 <br />$104,155 <br />questioned the % of increase this year. The Assessor corrected the notice <br />to include the valuation of the house on the 71A parcel. The estimated value <br />should be 8104,155 s <br />ACTION: None <br />18. Donald Delander 9148 31st Street Plate 37051-4000 <br />Estimated Value $52,035 <br />Does not feel his house would sell for the -amount it --valued at due to <br />the area, location and type of structure (Wausau tome) He stated <br />the assessed valuation has doubled in five ,years. The Assessor has not been <br />through the house. <br />ACTION: The Assessor will go through the house and verifty the valuation. <br />ASSESSOR'S CORRECTION: After, going through the structure the Assessors <br />corrected their valuation to $47,405s <br />19. Mrs, Edgar Stolpe 8881 Jane Road N. Plate 37425-2000 <br />Estimated Value$90,200 <br />Questioned the increased valuation especially on the land, Mrs. Stolpe <br />stated this is an 18 yr, old house, and nothing in the basement is finished. <br />The Assessor felt this was a fair valuation for a 29000 sq. ft. house on <br />2.7A. <br />ACTION: None. <br />