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06-03-80 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
06-03-80 CCM
Entry Properties
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LAKE ELMO BOARD OF REVIEW, JUNE 49 1980 <br />-4- <br />20. Joseph Mooibroek 5451 hilltop Plate 37162-2575 <br />Estimated Value — $$1169185 <br />Wanted an explaination of the 45% increase from last ,year. The Assessor <br />explained this years valuation is based on 100'% completion vs 750% in 1979. <br />Th.e 100% completion should have been charged in 1979, but was not. Also, <br />extras and an over—all percentage increase. The Assessors feel this is a <br />fair and reasonable valuation and is comparable to homes in the area. <br />ACTION: None <br />21. Michael Dirtzu 8627 Stillwater Blvd, Plate 37021-3250 <br />Estimated Value — $6369475 <br />Wanted explaination of the percentage increase and estimate of taxes based <br />on new valuation. <br />ACTION: None <br />22. P. 0. Petrellis 9436 Jane Rd. N. Plate 37155-2050 <br />Estimated Value — $$75o435 37155-2100 <br />$ 59000 <br />Questioned the 85,000 value on parcel 2050. This is 1/2 of a condemned lot„ <br />and he feels it has no value. Added to the parcel his home is or,, his lot is <br />A aore. The Assessor stated this was valued as an additional parcel with <br />the house and adds to the value of the home. Mr. Petrellis disagrees as <br />to the value of this parcel since it is non —buildable. <br />**ACTION: Council members present and the Assessors agreed to reduce the valuation <br />of parcel 37155-2050 to $$3,000. Also the same $639000 valuation will be placed on <br />parcel 37155-2075 owned by J, Friend, <br />23. D. J. Bucheck 2301 Legion <br />Estimated Value $¢90, 870 <br />Plate 37180-4000 <br />Questioned whether he is assessed equally to neighbors around him, and what <br />constituted the increase. The Assessor explained the rate increase, extras <br />not previously picked up and percent of completion. Mr. Bucheck asked how <br />the square footage was figured, The Assessor reviewed the chart these <br />figures are based on. Mr. Buchek feels the valuation on his property is <br />too high compared to lots across the street on a lake, and suggested dropping <br />15% of the property valuation. The Assessor dial not feel the propertywas <br />over valued and suggested the value on the lake lots should be raised. <br />ACTION; None <br />24. Joseph Noweski. 5171 Hilltop Plate 37160-2300 <br />Estimated Value — $$1259190 37162-2125 <br />$$28, 000 <br />Parcel 37162-2125 was assessed with a house on it. Mr. Noweski stated this <br />is a vacant house. The Assessor had the Doran house located on the Noweski <br />lot, Mr.-Noweski also questioned the increase in value and the style of <br />house the County has listed. He contends he has a split entry vs a two story. <br />The Assessor said they valued the house at 100 completion. <br />*ACTION: Thu Assessor will go out and look through the home to varify the <br />valuation and the style of house. Council members present and the Assessors <br />agreed the vacant lot should be valued at an amount comparable to other vacant <br />lots in the area. <br />ASSESSORS CORRECTION: The Assessor corrected the valuation of the vacant lot <br />to $14,500. After going through the home the assessors determined it should <br />be designated a split entry, not a two story. The corrected valuation of <br />$106,790 was based on comparable homes in the area and reassessment of the interior. <br />The Doran valuation was corrected to $28,000 from $14,500. <br />
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