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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MEETING, JULY 1, 1980 <br />-4- <br />JAMACA AVENUE GATE: The gate was a compromise for the Police and <br />Fire Departments, but has become a major maintence problem <br />for the City. The Council generally agreed that Jamaca <br />l Avenue should be closed to Lake Jane permanently. Before <br />official action is taken the Administrator will contact <br />the Police and Fire Departments. <br />C. Resolution 80-42 - Water Level Polic - The Council <br />reviewed Councilman Pott s proposed resolution setting a policy <br />to control water levels on Lake Elmo, Eagle Point, and Tartan <br />Park, within the limits of the DNR Permits. <br />Pott moved, seconded by Morgan, to adopt Resolution 80-42, <br />A Resolution establishing a policy on lake levels. Motion <br />carried 4-0. <br />NEW BUSINESS: A. 33rd Street Lane Improvement - The City has a com- <br />plaint from Mr. Kova chi that <br />the entrance to 334d St. Lane <br />of 33rd Street is in poor condition. This is a graveled <br />section about 20 ft. long. The Council recommended the City <br />Crew patch the holes and agreed to have Schifsky oil the area <br />at a cost of less than $50.00. <br />B. Lake Jane Access - The DNk is improving their access to <br />Lake Jane. The State is exempt from the City's Shoreland <br />Permit requirement. Valley Branch has required that the <br />DNR remove an amount of dredge equal to the gravel they put <br />in. <br />Mottaz feels that the City will soon have to develop a policy <br />restricting the use of City lakes for boats, motor size, etc. <br />By the number of parking spaces provided at this accessi the <br />DNR is exceeding its own guidelines on the number of boats <br />Lake Jane can handle, not considering the boats owned by <br />residents on the lake. <br />Due to Lake Elmo's proximity to the Twin Cities, and because <br />of the restrictive use of boats on lake there, Lake Elmo is <br />going to get more and more pressure for use of boats on its <br />lakes by people outside the City. Councilman Mottaz feels <br />Lake Elmo residents should be made aware that these public <br />accesses are being placed on the lakes and consideration now <br />be given to imposing limits on lake uses before the situation <br />gets out of hand. <br />The DNR rejected Lake Elmo's Surface Water Ordinance because <br />it limits water skiing only. The Council instructed the <br />Administrator to write the DNR, noting they are in violation <br />of their guidelines on boat limits for Lake Jane, and request <br />how these limits were determined. Lake Elmo protests these DNR <br />figuresp asks how .they determine present and.increased usage <br />nfe.the:-.lake, <br />C. Administrator's Vacation - Week of July 14, 1980. Council <br />agree . <br />D. Fire roof File - Armstrong moved, seconded by Mottaz, to <br />authorize 190 to purchase a fireproof file. Motion carried 4-0. <br />