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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MEETING, JULY 1, 1980 -5- <br />E. National League of Cities - No interest <br />F. State Planning Forum No interest <br />G. New Depository Northern Federal 'Savings <br />Pott moved, seconded by Morgan, to authorize 'Northern Federal <br />Savings as an official depository for the City of Lake Elmo. <br />Motion carried 4-0. <br />H. Budget Calendar - The Council agreed to continue with the <br />job descriptions used last year. Salary recommendation <br />guidelines will be handled at the next meeting. <br />I. Regional Park Artie Schaefer - The Council agreed to <br />invite Artie Sc aefer, County Commissioner, to the July 15, <br />meeting. The Council will discuss the Regional Park, EMS, <br />and Youth Service Bureau Subsidy. The cutting of trees on <br />County property by residents will also be discussed.. <br />J. DeMontreville Access - The. Administrator presented a <br />proposed access an par ing area to Lake DeMontreville. <br />The DNR is willing to purchase Lot 6, DeMontreville Highlands <br />5th Addition, with the parking lot being to the north. The <br />access would be directly across from this. If the County <br />would agree to move DeMontreville Trail north and west the <br />parking lot and launch could be on the same side of the road. <br />The Administrator has sent the County a letter to this effect. <br />The Council agreed with the proposal. <br />K. Eagle Point Dike - Pott suggested raising the dike to hold <br />more water on Eagle Point while Legion Pond is being pumped <br />into Lake Elmo. <br />Morgan moved, seconded by Pott, to increase the height of the <br />Eagle Point dike to store an additional 70acre feet of water <br />to compensate for the 70 acre feet being pumped from Legion <br />Pond. Motion carried 4-0. <br />Morgan moved, seconded by Armstrong, to appropriate $20 to <br />purchase a lake level guage for Lake Elmo. Motion carried <br />4-0. The City crew will install the gauge and locate it so <br />that daily reading can be taken. <br />L. Levy Limit Base - The Administrator asked the Council <br />to consider raising the City's levy limit base. The Council <br />expressed no interest. <br />M. Building Inspectors Conference - Mottaz moved, seconded <br />by Armstrong, to appropriate up to $100 for the Building <br />Inspector to attend the annual North Star Chapter of Building <br />Inspectors Conference. Motion carried 4-0. <br />N. Sign Permit Fee - Gary Harty is requesting a variance to <br />place a yard sign on the ground in front of his office at <br />( 11051 Stillwater Blvd. (Reimenschneider's across from school). <br />The Ordinance requires that yard signs be three feet off <br />the ground to allow for mowing underneath. This sign will <br />sit flat on the ground. The City must also adopt a Resolution <br />setting a fee for sign permits. The Administrator will draft <br />it for the next meeting. <br />