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LAKE ELMO SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING, JULY 8, 1980 <br />Acting Mayor Pott called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. <br />LEGION POND HEARING: City Engineer Bohrer explained the proposed <br />project as outlined in the Preliminary Report from TKDA. <br />Administrator Whittaker entered the following correspondence <br />into the record: letter from West Lakeland opposing any <br />pumping into lake Elmo; letter from Emil Thiel opposing pumping; <br />telephone conversation from Steven Shanley opposing pumping; <br />letter from Mr. Florian Stevens and Mr. Arthur Friendt opposing <br />an assessment to study the feasibility of the project; and, <br />a telephone conversation from Mr. Donald Olson opposing a study <br />assessment. The latter six residents signed the petition asking <br />for relief from flooding conditions around Legion Pond. <br />Permits to initiate any project will be needed from Valley <br />Branch and DNR, also, the proposal must be submitted to the <br />Soil and Water Conservency District. <br />AUDIENCE: <br />J. Renfrow - 2968 Legion Avenue - Is opposed to any pumping <br />before determining that the water table in Legion Pond is not <br />connected to Lake Elmo. He feels the City should be sure the <br />project is going to work before spending $8,000. <br />Engineer Bohrer explained that this is the least costly al- <br />ternative, and the Council considered many alternatives before <br />deciding on pumping. He also received a report on the Bonestroo Eng. <br />concluding that Lake Elmo and Legion Pond are connected. Engineer <br />Bohrer does not think the pond and lake are connected. Mr. Renfrow <br />reitterated this should be determined before any money is expended. <br />J. Eisile - 3141 Klondike - Wants the water quality of the pond <br />determined before it is pumped intoLakeElmo-. <br />E. Goerss - 3250 Kraft Circle - Owns property next to the pond - <br />Does not feel he should be assessed. His parcel has always <br />drained naturally into the pond with no adverse effect. He <br />suggested the homes be purchased and the property condemned, <br />thereby, resolving the problem permanently. <br />D. Durand - 2901 Lake Elmo Avenue - Asked if a water quality <br />test has been done? Ile feels the water going into Lake Elmo <br />should be as good or better than what is presently there. He <br />suggested a study be done to determine the effect the water <br />from the pond will have on the lake regarding weeds, pollution, <br />etc. <br />G. Bias - 2795 Lake Elmo Avenue - Feels the pond water is already <br />contaminated since several septic systems are currently under <br />water. He does not want any more water in Lake Elmo. Engineer <br />Bohrer said he does not feel the lake will rise because of <br />the pumping. <br />D. Kim - 2871 Legion Avenue - Questioned if any historical <br />information is available to use in making a decision. No.written <br />material is available. <br />J. Renfrow - 2968 Legion Avenue - Stated the pond did not start <br />to raise until the lake started to come up. <br />B. Sh>ninger - 2916 Legion Avenue - Feels there is a connection:, - <br />between another water source and the pond. Only in the last 1 1/2 <br />years has the problem become severe. He feels the source is other <br />than run-off, therefore assessing property owners for run-off <br />flooding would be in error. After quoting from the Newsletter <br />Mr.Sh�inger stated the City should not use- .local assessment to <br />determine what the problem is. <br />