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07-08-80 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
07-08-80 CCM
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LAKE ELMO SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING, JULY 8, 1980 <br />-3- <br />LEGION POND: Novak moved, seconded by Mottaz, to authorize test <br />wells be put in Legion Pond, conditioned upon approval and <br />permits from DNR and Valley Branch Watershed District. Water <br />quality of the pond to be tested and meet with the approval <br />of DNR. Motion carried 5-0. <br />MAINTENANCE BUILDING: The Council discussed the additional inspection <br />fees, not included in the original TKDA contract. TKDA has agreed <br />to 54 hours of limited inspections, at a cost not to exceed $1500. <br />Morgan reitterated his position that these inspections should <br />be included, feeling many of the situations these additional costs <br />cover are likely to occur. Mottaz feels the City bears some <br />responsibility for not noting this before signing the contract; <br />and, does not feel the project should be abandoned for $1500. <br />Mottaz moved, seconded by Armstrong, to authorize an additional <br />$1500 be paid TKDA for 54 hours of inspection for the Maintenance <br />Building. Motion carried 4-1. Morgan opposed. The Council <br />agreed no more engineering fees will be expended on this project <br />unless specifically contracted. <br />Engineer Bohrer informed the Council that the percentage curves <br />for engineering and/or architectural fees are for design services <br />only, there is no curve for inspections. <br />Mottaz moved, seconded by Armstrong, to award the contract for <br />the Maintenance Building to the low bidder, Steele Construction, <br />for alternates 1, 2, and 4, at a total cost of $169,200. Motion <br />carried 5-0. <br />ICMA NATIONAL CONFERENCE - City Administrator: Morgan moved, seconded <br />by Mottaz, to appropriate $800 for the City Administrator to <br />attend the ICMA National Conference. Motion carried 5-0. <br />LICENSES: Pott moved, seconded by Morgan, to approve the following <br />licenses: General Contractor - Lesters of Minnesota, Lester <br />Prairie, Mn.; Sewer Pumper - Wm. Marty, 12698 12th St. N., Lake <br />Elmo, Mn.; and, Driveway - Blacktop Driveway Co., Inc. 1543 Payne <br />Avenue, St. Paul, Mn. Motion carried 5-0. <br />JULY 14, 1980 CITY COUNCIL MEETING: The Washington County Board will <br />attend the meeting to discuss the Regional Park. The Administrator <br />will invite a representative of the Metropolitan Council to attend. <br />CIMARRON - NPDES PERMITS: Cimarron has applied for a National Pollution <br />Discharge Elimination System Permit for permanent direct discharge <br />into Sunfish Lake and effluent limitation. The effluent limitation <br />request is for five times the normal level allowed in a typical <br />lake or intermittent stream. <br />The Council authorized the Administrator to write the PCA and the <br />Met Council, entering Lake Elmo's protesbto both of these requests. <br />ADMINISTRATIVE COSTS - VALLEY BRANCH: Valley Branch has asked what <br />the City's administrative costs will be for handling the payroll <br />for their employee. The Council agreed on 15%, the City's over- <br />head rate. <br />
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