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08-05-80 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
08-05-80 CCM
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LAKE =0 CITY COUNCIL MEETTNG, AUGUST 5, 1980 <br />Mayor Armstrong called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m. <br />Councillors in attendance: Morgan, Mottaz, Novak, and Pott. Also, Administrator <br />Whittaker. <br />AGENDA: sAdditions: Councillors Report- Morgan- Parking, DeMontreville Tr. N., <br />and Pebble Park; Pott - Second City Well. Administratbr's Report: Beer <br />and Bingo License - Guardian Angels Church; State Aid; Announcements, <br />Delete - Cable T.V, <br />Morgan moved, seconded by Armstrong to approve the Agenda of August 5, 19809 <br />as amended. Motion carried 5-0. <br />MINUTES: July 15, 1980 - Morgan moved, seconded by Armstrong, to approve the minutes <br />of July 150 19809 with the following correction: page 5 - Demontreville <br />Highlands Bond Reduction - .......Adopt Resolution 80-45.....,.Motion <br />carried 5-0, <br />CLAIMS: Addition: 80515, Menards - door for Tire Hall kitchen - as much as $98.77. <br />Armstrong moved, seconded by Morgan, to approve Claims 80469 thru 805149 <br />including the amount to Menards. Motion carried 5-0. <br />CITY ATTORNEY: Larson Variance - Mayor Armstrong closed the public meeting at 5:23, <br />The Council reviewed the draft agreement between the City and the Larsons <br />for the requested Variance. On July 29, 1980, Morgan moved, seconded by <br />Armstrong, to grant a variance from the lot size regulation, provided the <br />Larsons entered into an agreement with the City. Mayor Armstrong reopened <br />the meeting to the public at 6135 p.m. After the Council and City Attorney <br />agreed upon the requirements and restrictions, Morgan moved seconded by <br />Mottaz, to approve the lot size variance for Steven Larson contingent on <br />Mr. and Mrs. Larson entering into an agreement with the City of Lake :Elmo <br />providing; Dr. Machmeir oversee installation of the system; Dr. Machmeir <br />inspect operation of the system for three years; and, the Larsons agree to <br />a Pihbld harmless', clause releasing the City of any responsibility for the <br />system. <br />ENGINEER.IS REPORT: A. MSA Report - Engineer Bohrer, Administrator. Whittaker, and <br />local residents met with the District State Aid Engineer. The City Engineer <br />and. State Engineer arrived at a 40 mph curve that would be acceptable to <br />the State. The lila gineer determined the following conclusions after the joint <br />meeting: <br />1. Square corners with stop signs do not meet State Aid Standards and cannot <br />be approved. <br />2. 30 MPH curve design does not meet State Aid Standards and cannot be <br />approved unless the segment is speed zoned for 30 mph (the proposed gravel <br />area will not get zoned 30 mph unless the area on Jane Trail. N., running <br />in front of the new DNR boat launch is zoned as such). <br />3. A speed zone study can be completed in two weeks. <br />1b, Right-of-way must be condemned. This will take 90 to 120 days, putting <br />a starting date for MSA #1 into November. <br />5. Bids can be hold for no more than 60 days. <br />Based on -these five conclusions the Engineer recommended the following: <br />1. The bids presently before the City should be rejected, since the project <br />cannot be approved before right-of-way is obtained. <br />2. Rebid the project this fall if the 30 mph zone is established, setting <br />construction .for 1981 and acquiring right-of-way through the winter. <br />3. Consider a 40 mph curve design, should the 30 mph zone not be established <br />possibly trading right-of-way or consider another route. <br />
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