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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MEETING, AUGUST 5, 1980 <br />—2— <br />NSA. PROJECT: The Ed.ers stated the City will have to condemn their pLroperty <br />for right—of—way. <br />Mottaz moved, seconded by Armstrong, to reject the bids currently before <br />the Council and accept the first two recommendations of the .Engineer, The <br />City shall also get together with MR/Dot to negotiate reduced speed curves <br />(30 mph). Motion carried 4-0-1. Pott abstaining. <br />The Engineer urged the Council to express their desire for the 30 mph <br />curves to the District Traffic Pngineer, citing the launch area on Lake <br />Jane Trail N., as a major reason for the reduced speed zone. <br />Jim Blackford, 9765 1.t5th Street, feels the City should assume the assessment <br />costs since the residents on the road do not want or need the improvement. <br />He also suggested extending 47th Street N, and Keats Avenue N. to serve <br />as the troughfare. <br />B. Le.,io— n Pond — Engineer Bohrer updated the Council on Legion Pond project. <br />He reviewed his memo, dated August 59 1980, indicating test results on the <br />.pond meet PCA quality standards of a class 2D lake' noting water pumped <br />from the pond into Lake Elmo would have a minimal effect on the lake. No <br />wells will be drilled until all necessary easements are obtained. <br />C, Beutel Pond — ]Feasibility Report -- The Engineer reviewed the report for <br />the Council. The Council will have to decide whether the County contractor <br />or City crew will do the work. The contractor for the County has offered <br />to charge labor costs only ($5,000) if the City furnishes the materials 039200). <br />Since the old culvert is to be removed, per the County contract, Councilman <br />( Pott offered to negotiate the labor costs with the contractor. The City <br />l will be responsible for seeding the area should they delay the contractors <br />deadline for this work. <br />D. Eagle Point Storage Downstream — Morgan indicated there are two suitable <br />storage areas. Morgan, Pott, Wittaker, and the city crew will walk the <br />area to locate a suitable site. <br />DINNER BREAK — 13ENIS ELMO INN <br />PUBLIC HEARING — FEASIBILITY OIF BEUTELS POND CULVERT PROJECT — R-80-48, ORDERING PROJECT: <br />Mayor Armstrong called the hearing to order at 7:37 p.m. Engineer Bohrer <br />outlined the project, and Mayor Armstrong explained the assessment procedure. <br />An assessment hearing will. be set at a later date. Discussion: <br />P. Duke <br />9186 Jamaca — Asked about the culvert under the tracks and the size of the proposed <br />culvert. <br />B. Krostue <br />9089 Jamaca Ct. N. — Asked about the size and the length of the pipe. This is noted <br />in the report. <br />W. Hughes <br />9038 31st St. N. — Asked how the work being done by the County, is tied in with the <br />proposed project, Engineer Bohrer explained. <br />C, Kuettner <br />9130 Jamaca Ct. N. — Asked how the County can place the financial burden of correcting <br />an error on residents affected by such an error, Engineer Bohrer gave the <br />C background of the State project done in 1965 to relieve flooding in the area. <br />The City Is objective is to alleviate flooding and correct the situation via <br />this project . Water will be maintained at a 91? elevation and <br />released in a manner that will eliminate it from sitting for long periods <br />of time in the residential area that floods. <br />