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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MEETING, AUGUST 5, 1980 -3_ <br />R, Duke <br />9186 Jamaca — Concerned about the large culverts: the County is installing and asked <br />about restricting some of the culverts on County 6. Engineer Bohrer noted <br />that there will be restriction on the largest culvert on the upstream end, <br />B, Krostue — Asked how the gate will work, Engineer Bohrer explained the gate will <br />prevent back —flow and store water temporarily, until downstream lakes can <br />handle the water. The DNR. permit requires that whatever volume is released <br />must be retained on .Eagle Point Lake. The City Maintenance crew will be <br />responsible for operating the gate. <br />W. Hughes — Asked what the average elevation of Eagle Point is vs Beutel Pond, <br />Deutel Pond is 912 and Eagle Point 890. Also askedewas policy on maintenance <br />assessment. Mayor Armstrong stated maintenance costs will be paid out of <br />General Revenue. State and County property are not assessable; but the <br />City can bill the railroad, the State and the County, Engineer Bohrer <br />noted this is not the ultimate project proposed by the Watershed <br />District, only an interim solution to resolve a local problem. At some <br />later date a Main Stem Project will be initiated, <br />D. Beutel — Owner of a large portion of property around Beutel Pond, Asked what <br />his status is. As others in the area, if his property run—off drains <br />into the pond it is part of the proposed drainage area and assessment area, <br />He asked what if he did not allow the water to run into the pond, Mayor <br />Armstrong said all construction proposed is on public property, The City <br />is not proposing to place additional water into the pond, only drain out the <br />excess , Iie indicated this was not the natural drainage in the past, and <br />was changed when the highway was built, <br />C. Kuettner, — Feels the City should bear the responsibility, and funds should come <br />out of General Revenue, since the City allowed people to build in these <br />problem areas, The residents did not cause the problems. Mayor Armstrong <br />( explained. the City's position, stating todays regulations would prohibit <br />many of the homes that are affected or have contributed to the water problems <br />in the City. City policy dictates that, where there is a specific improvement <br />that benefits a specific area, those residents are assessed, Method of <br />assessment will be determined at the assessment hearing, <br />Engineer Bohrer will contact the County Engineer and verify the elevation <br />of the new culvert under the tracks. <br />W, Hughes — Lives on the edge of the proposed project and asked what benefit he will <br />receive and why he should be assessed, The City does not intend to drain <br />the marsh next to the tracks, Mayor Armstrong explained "benefit". <br />Mayor Armstrong closed the hearing at 8:27 P.M. <br />Armstrong moved, seconded by Morgan, to adopt Resolution 80-48, accepting <br />the Beutel 'Pond Feasibility Report, ordering the project, for an amount <br />not to exceed $1295009* authorizing the Engineer to obtain the necessary <br />pipe, authorizing Councilman Pott to negotiate the labor costs with the <br />County contractor, and authorizing the City Administrator and Councilman <br />Pott to accept the contract. Motion carried 5-0. <br />The Assessment Hearing will be scheduled for this fall. <br />The Administrator will contact Valley Branch, the State and the rai.ltcoad <br />concerning their share of the project. Maynard Eder stated he will notify <br />Valley Branch that the City has ordered this project. <br />FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING HEARING: Mayor Armstrong opened the hearing at 8:36 p.m. <br />Th.e Revenue Sharing estimate for 1980 is $25,000. The Administrator <br />recommended this money be used for police services as has been done in <br />the past, Dick Murray, Tri—Lakes Association, suggested it be used <br />for Civil 'Defense Sirens. There were no audience comments, Mayor Armstrong <br />closed the hearing at 8:45 P.M. <br />