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L,M ELMO CITY COUNCIL MEETING, AUGUST 5, 1980 <br />-5- <br />COUNCIL REPORTS: 4. Jamaca Gate (Foxfire) - The gate has been destroyed. The Ad- <br />ministrator contacted the School District, Fire Department and Police Department <br />about opening the road. All three agencies would like the road opened as <br />it provides a shorter distance and reduced time to that north section of <br />the City. <br />The Council discussed at length the original agreement for the gate, in- <br />creased traffic on Jane Road N., and the main temmeproblems. One resident <br />on Jane Road N. said he would like to see the road open, Another resident <br />stated the safety of children in the area should be considered. Mayor <br />Armstrong stated that since the gate was a compromise between Foxfire and <br />residents on Jane Road N that has proved unsuccessful, the road should be <br />blocked off permanently. <br />Armstrong moved, seconded by Morgan, to initiate steps to completely close <br />off Jamaca. Road so that traffic will not use that road as a, thoroghfare <br />to Highway 36. Motion carried 1a O-l. Novak abstained. She feels the <br />City has an obligation to provide police and fire protection quickly and <br />efficiently wherever possible. <br />5. D-posit Fees - Park Shelter - A report will be ready after recent <br />figures are available. <br />Councillor Mottaz 1, Tri� Lakes,- pprooiation - <br />Mottaz moved, seconded by Pott to adopt Resolution 80-51, commending the <br />Tri-Lakes Association on their 25th Anniversary and their, outstanding service <br />to the City of Lake Elmo, Motion carried 5-0, <br />2. Foxfire Pillar :Easements - Deeds are prepared and this item is on the <br />Status Sheets, <br />3. Lakeshore Owners Public .Access - Mottaz recommended a meeting with all <br />lakeshore owners to explain the new public accesses proposed, what effect <br />they will have, what authority the City has, long term effects, etc. <br />Mottaz moved, seconded by Armstrong, to set a, public information meeting <br />on public accesses and water surface use, for September 18, 19809 at <br />7:30 p.m. at Lake Elmo School, Motion carried 5-0. The City will notify <br />all residents in the City of this meeting. <br />Councillor Novak - 1. Old Chairs - The .astimate to restore eight chairs <br />from Robert Lifton, Stillwater, was $74- 75. Additional estimates will <br />be secured. <br />Pott moved., seconded by Morgan, to authorize up to $75 per chair for repair <br />and refinishing. Moition carried 5-0, <br />Councillor Pott - 1. Pavina .Tire Hall .Entrance - This item was not in- <br />cluded in the Are Hall Addition Bid. Councillor Pott suggested three quotes <br />be secured, <br />Morgan moved, seconded by Mottaz, to authorize the Administrator to get <br />quotes on blacktopping the Fire Hall entrance. Motion carried 5-0, <br />2. Ehe y Priam - Energy Audits have been completed. Reports on each <br />building are available. Major modifications will have to be budgeted for. <br />The Administrator will assemble a review of the reports. <br />3. Folding Chairs - Morgan moved, seconded by Mottaz, to purchase 46 chairs <br />from Lake Mmo Hardwood, at $6.50 per chair. Motion carried 5-0. This will <br />be paid for out of the Council Contingency Fund. <br />