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08-05-80 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
08-05-80 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MELTING, AUGUST 59 1980 <br />-6- <br />COUNCIL RIE?ORTS: 1,. Present City Well - The Administrator will contact NSP and <br />have them determine if the electrical service or the motor is bad on the <br />municipal well, <br />Councilman Pott distributed his report citing the advantages, issues, and <br />cost of a second well, He asked if the Council is concerned about having <br />only one well and if they areo are they willing to spend $309000 to $409000 <br />on a second well. He indicated there is $40000 in accrued earnings in <br />the Water Reserve Fundy and suggested this could accumulate until there <br />is enough money to drill a new well ($1509000 to $1759000), or pursue <br />acquiring the well that is on .Lake Elmo Hardwood land, Pott offered to <br />negotiate with Joe Rogers if the City Council is willing to pursue the idea <br />and expend the money. <br />Motaz.moved, seconded by Armstrong, to authorize Councilman Pott to determine <br />if the well on Lake Elmo Hardwood property is adequate to serve as a second <br />municipal well, nego-4ate with Joe Rogers to obtain the well,, and authorize <br />up to $500 .for necessary expenditures. Motion carried 5-0. <br />Administrator Whittaker will. verify the revenue figures quoted. The $500 to be <br />appropriated from the Water Department Fund, <br />ADMINISTRATOR IS REPORT: <br />:e A. Planning Assistance Grants - Armstrong moved, seconded by Pott, to <br />adopt Resolution 0-.2, asking the Metropolitan Council to appropriate the <br />additional Planning Assistance Grants Lake Elmo is entitled to. Motion <br />carried 5-0, <br />B. Civil Defense - Administrator Whittaker reported that Cimarron is <br />polling its residents. District 834 has agreed that Oakland. School can be <br />used as a shelter, and the Firemen will take responsibility for the key <br />to the school. The Administrator will contact Cimarron about setting up <br />a meeting with the City and the School District to discuss the Civil 'Defense <br />Program for Cimarron, <br />.Tri-Lakes Siren - The Association has indicated the City should pay for a <br />.siren in this area. Presently, the City has no money appropriated for this. <br />Mottaz moved, seconded by Armstrong to authorize the Administrator to contact <br />the 'Fri -Lakes Assooiation, proposing that the City will pay 1/2 of the costs <br />for a siren if the Association or residents pay for 1/2. Motion carried 5-0. <br />Pott feels the 6ity should contribute towards the purchase of a. siren in <br />both areas (Cimarron and Tri-Lakes). Fire Chief Kuettner is working on <br />getting a Civil Defense Director from the Fire Department, <br />Co Animal Control �C lions - The Administrator is in contact with North <br />St. Paul to contract use of their equipment for animal control. Jerry <br />Dahlberg has agreed to work up to 10 hours per week as Dog Catcher, <br />Administrator Whittaker will advise the Council when North St, Paul responds <br />to Lake Elmo" s request. <br />D. Election JudRes - Mottaz moved, seconded by Armstrong, to appoint <br />the Election Judges as recommended by the City Administrator, Motion carried 5-0. <br />E. — Administrator Whittaker distributed the proposed 1981 <br />Pay Plan. The Council will review this at 5:00 pow., August 199 1980, <br />* Resolution R-81-46 supercedes R-80-52 <br />
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