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Special City Council Meeting, September 18, 1980 Surface Water Use <br />Mayor Armstrong opened the meeting and gave;.the background of why <br />the Council called this meeting to set guidelines and restrictions <br />on recreaction on the lakes. <br />Administrator Whittaker outlined the facts, explained potential problems, <br />and reviewed the City's Surface Water Use Ordinance. The Council is <br />requesting resident input and suggi�stions to guide the City in adopting <br />policies and regulations that will make the use of then.lakes in Lake <br />Elmo and their accesses, controllable without penalizing lakeshore & City <br />residents. The Administrator also outlined the City's position on the <br />Regional Park. <br />AUDIENCE REMARKS: <br />Otto Mayer - 9295 Lake Jane Tr. - Presented a petition with 20 to 25 <br />signatures, of residents around Lake Jane, requesting that Lake Jane <br />be restricted to a speed zone of 5 mph at all times. <br />Sue Wier - 8991 Jane Rd. N. - Comment on the petition - had the petition <br />presented to her, they did not sign,it but noted that not all the <br />petitioners do not live on Lake Jane. <br />OttoMayer - 9295 Lake Jane Tr. - Stated that the petitioners listed <br />may_ n6t live on the lake, but have access to the lake. <br />Todd Williams - 3025 Lake Elmo Avenue N. - Asked if it is State law <br />that the C ti y cannot adopt an ordinance giving special treatment to <br />riparian owners. Armstrong stated this is a DNR Policy not sure of <br />the legal status. Mr. Williams referred to articles in the paper <br />about lack of access to metropolitan lakes,e.g. White Bear Lake, <br />which do have ordinance and policies granting special rights to lake - <br />shore owners. Asked if the City could not pass this type of ordinance; <br />that would restrict non-lakeshore owners boat and motor size and give <br />special. rights to lakeshore owners. Challenge the DNR policy and <br />stand behind it. Armstrong stated this is an economic question and <br />you are fighting the State of Minnesota. Lake Elmo is not financially <br />able to pursue such 'battles'. Whittaker stated there is a Public <br />Waters law in effect that states the waters in the State belong to <br />all, the people and you cannot discriminate among them. This is the <br />basis of this DNR policy. Williams said this would not restrict the <br />access to the waters but the use of the waters: Armstrong cited the <br />regulations similar to this suggestion are in force on Square Lake, <br />this access is run by the County and enforced by them. Lake Elmo <br />is telling the County this is what they should do on Lake Elmo - <br />regulate and design the access so that people who come out to the <br />County park only use small craft or small motors. Speed regulation <br />is difficult without a shore patrol. <br />Iiarvey Allen 249.1 Lake Elmo Avenue - Stated DNR restricts motor <br />size in the Boundary Waters Canoe Area, but give exemptions to <br />businesses. Does not feel an ordinance with exceptions would be <br />out of line. <br />Carol Kelm_ - 10975 32nd St. N. - lives on the lake and is aware of <br />abuses on the lake from people who live on the lake. Does not feel <br />lakeshore owners should have any more priviledges. Horsepower reg- <br />ulations should apply to everyone who uses the lake. <br />