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2 <br />Jim Weyer---8991 Jane Rd. N. - Read a prepared statement that was <br />eritnreT-Into the record.. He expressed these statements concerning <br />Lake Jane: no water use problem on Lake Jane today, confirmed by <br />Officer Orth and neighbors - lake residents are taxed higher rates <br />because of their lakeshore - is legally possible, practical and workable <br />to allow residents to launch. any size boats and motors from private <br />property and restrict same at a public access (Square Lake example) - <br />against any regulations that restrict existing rights of the lakeshore <br />residents (regulations on horsepower, limitations on skiing hours, <br />limitations on fishing hours, etc.) Recommended no additional regu- <br />lations be passed on Lake Jane, if problems do arise then pass required <br />regulations, regulations should differentiate between non-lakeshore and <br />lakeshore residents based on the fact that lakeshore owners are taxed <br />more.: ,Mr. Weyer stated that Officer Orth feels that there are enough <br />regulations to handle any misuse of the lake by high powered boats. <br />Officer. Orth and Paul Rice, DNR Conservation Officer, feel it is <br />unlikely that problems with speed boats will arise as the Lake Jane <br />access is not designed to eftcourge klrge boats, no public beach, no <br />picnic area, and provides parking for only eight vehicles. <br />Don Klosterboer_ - 2119 Lake Elmo Avenue - Does not see a problem with <br />ia. skng_on_lc Lae' Elmo today. Cites problems with fishermen. .Feels <br />fishermen and skiiers should be treated equally;, and does not feel <br />the hours alloted to skiiers is equitable. Wait until there is a <br />problem before imposing more regulations. <br />Richard Connors - 9250 Lake Jane Tr. - Lives next to the public access <br />on Lake Jane. Said the DNR has dredged a 4 ft., not 2 ft., channel out <br />from the launch. Could launch high horsepowered boats with no problem. <br />Feels the lake should be kept strictly for the fishermen; add a <br />granfather clause for larger boats owned by lakeshore residents. No <br />problem with water skiing now; but anticipates problems if 9 additional <br />ski boats use. the lake at once. <br />Ben Klaus - 8190 Hill Tr. - Have all. sorts of rules; but no law <br />enforce3nefit. Must enforce the rules that now exist. Lives on the <br />channel between Olson and DeMontr.eville. Snowmobilers also pose <br />problems in early morning hours. He has found that the sheriff's <br />department does not have adequate men to handle these typEs,)f complaints. <br />Law enforcement greatest problem rather than changing rules and laws.. <br />Armstrong stated that law enforcement costs money. Are,pesidents'willing, <br />to have taxes increase"dsw.for additional servicee? <br />Roy Brogren 4769 Olson Lake Tr. - question How is the City planning <br />on informing people, other than residents, what the Water Surface <br />Regulations are? No information is': publicized. Mr. suggested <br />posting rules at accesses. <br />John Cromll 7930 DeMontreville.:Tr. - Asked on what basis the DNR <br />can reject City regulations? Why do they have this power. Whittaker <br />reponded that this is public water in the State and the, State governs <br />it, the DNR is a state agency, and the City is only a creature of the <br />State. Mr. Crowell asked about the possible parking ar'a for Lake <br />DeMontreville (1.5a) Will this be limited to a certainn number of parking <br />spaces, this could hold potentially 75 to 100 cars. Whittaker stated <br />it would be held to 1 space for 20A of lake surface. Engineering <br />would limit the 12 spaces. <br />